Liste bureaux


1 - +VG Architects
2 - 02 Planning & Design
3 - 1080 Architecture Planning + Interiors
4 - 1080 Architecture, Planning and Interiors
5 - 1x1 Architecture
6 - 1x1 architecture
7 - 1x1 architecture inc.
8 - 25:8 Architecture + Urban Design
9 - 2M Architects ; Studio 76
10 - 3twenty Modular
11 - 5468796 Architecture
12 - 5468796 architecture
13 - 5468796 architecture ; Kasian Architecture
14 - A&E Architectural & Engineering Group
15 - A.J. Diamond, Donald Schmitt and Company
16 - A.J. Diamond, Donald Schmitt and Company ; Blackwell Structural Engineers
17 - A.J. Diamond, Donald Schmitt and Company ; Boigon Petroff Shepherd Architects
18 - A.J. Diamond, Donald Schmitt and Company ; Dalibor Cizek and David Heilman
19 - A.J. Diamond, Donald Schmitt and Company ; David Thompson Architect
20 - A.J. Diamond, Donald Schmitt and Company ; Edward J. Cuhaci and Associates
21 - A.J. Diamond, Donald Schmitt and Company ; Gibbs Gage Architects
22 - A.J. Diamond, Donald Schmitt and Company ; John Soules
23 - A.J. Diamond, Donald Schmitt and Company ; KWC Architects
24 - A.J. Diamond, Donald Schmitt and Company ; Katz Webster Clancey Associates, Architects
25 - A.J. Diamond, Donald Schmitt and Company ; Kolker Epstein Architects ; Meltzer Igra Architects ; Bugod Figueiredo Krendel Architects
26 - A.J. Diamond, Donald Schmitt and Company ; Parkhill ; MWM Architects
27 - A.J. Diamond, Donald Schmitt and Company ; Partners Architecture
28 - A.J. Diamond, Donald Schmitt and Company ; RHL Architects
29 - A.J. Diamond, Donald Schmitt and Company ; Schumman Lichenstein Claman Efron Architects
30 - A.J. Diamond, Donald Schmitt and Company ; Thornton Tomasetti
31 - AA ROBINS architects
32 - ABC Architecture Building Culture
33 - ABCP Architecture
34 - ABCP Architecture ; EMS Ingénierie
35 - ABCP architecture
36 - ABCP architecture ; Anne Carrier architecture
37 - ABCP architecture ; AtelierGuyArchitectes
38 - ABCP architecture ; Bisson associés
39 - ABCP architecture ; GLCRM Architectes
40 - ABCP architecture ; GLCRM Architectes ; Populous ; AtkinsRéalis
41 - ABCP architecture ; HCMA Architecture+Design
42 - ABCP architecture ; Marie-Lise Leclerc architecte ; Bilodeau Baril Leeming architectes
43 - ACDF architecture
44 - ACI Architecture ; RJC Engineers
45 - ACK Architects
46 - ACRE Architects
47 - ACRE Architects Inc.
48 - ADHOC architectes
49 - AECOM
50 - AECOM ; H.H. Angus and Associates Ltd. ; DTAH
51 - AECOM ; NEUF architect(e)s
53 - ANO Architects/Architectes ; Cotnam Belair Associates Architects ; Bywater Mitchell Architects ; Larocque Elder Architects
54 - APOLLO Architects & Associates
56 - ARUP
57 - ASP Design Group ; Rizz Engineering Inc.
58 - ASQUITH Architecture
59 - ATA Architects Inc. ; Baker Turner Inc.
60 - AZL Architects
61 - Aaron Finbow, Intern architect
62 - Abbott Brown Architects
63 - Abbott Brown Architects ; SCL Engineering
64 - Abugov Kaspar Architecture Engineering Interior Design
65 - Acton Johnson Ostry Architects
66 - Acton Ostry Architects
67 - Acton Ostry Architects Inc
68 - Adamson Associates Architects
69 - Adamson Associates Architects ; Baker Turner Inc.
70 - Adamson Associates Architects ; RJC Engineers
71 - Adamson Associates Architects ; Sweeny Sterling Finlayson & Co Architects
72 - Adera Development Corporation
73 - Adesso design
74 - Adorn Masonry
75 - Aedifica
76 - Aedifica ; A.J. Diamond, Donald Schmitt and Company
77 - Aedifica ; ADHOC architectes
78 - Affinity Architecture
79 - Affleck Dimakopolous Lebensold
80 - Affleck de la Riva ; Coarchitecture
81 - Affleck de la Riva Architecets
82 - Affleck de la Riva architects
83 - Affleck, Desbarats, Dimakopoulos, Lebensold, Sise
84 - Agence Spatiale
85 - Agence Spatiale ; BGLA Architecture ; APPAREIL Architecture
86 - Agence Spatiale Appareil Architecture BGLA architecture
87 - Aidlin Darling Design
88 - Akb Architects
89 - Alain Carle Architecte
90 - Alain Richer Architecte ; Faucher Gauthier architectes ; Groupe Malo
91 - Alan Littlewood ; Bernard Gillespie Architect ; Boris A Lebedinsky ; Irving Grossman Architect ; Janis Kravis Architect ; Jerome Markson ; Joel Shack Architect ; J.E. Sievenpiper ; Klein & Sears Architects ; Matsui Baer Vanstone Freeman Architects ; Page & Steele, Architects ; Paul Reuber Architect ; Robinson & Heinrichs Architects ; Sillaste & Nakashima Architects ; The Thom Partnership ; V.W. Kuchar & Associates, Architects ; Zeidler Architecture
92 - Alastair Bird
93 - Aleo Associates
94 - Alex K. Lam ; District R.E. Architect
95 - Alexander Gorlin Architects
96 - Alexander Ring
97 - Alexander Wilson Architect
98 - Alexandra Tedesco, OAA student member
99 - Alexandre Morin-Bernard (Université Laval)
100 - Alison Brooks Architects
101 - Alister M. Ross & Associates
102 - Allaire, Bergeron, Courchesne, Henderson, architectes
103 - Allan Avis Architects
104 - Allard Hamelin Lalonde, consortium d'architectes
105 - Allen + Maurer Architects
106 - Allmix Concrete Inc.
107 - Altius Architecture
108 - Alton Tangedal Architects
109 - Amantea Architects
110 - Amy Norris, Intern architect ; Clint Langevin, Intern architect
111 - Anchor Concrete - Lodestar Structures Inc.
112 - Andre J. Fortin et Nancy Shoiry, architectes
113 - Andrea Kordos, University of Waterloo
114 - Andrea Ling, intern
115 - Andrew King Studio
116 - Andrew Neuman, (University of British Columbia)
117 - Andritsos Architect International
118 - André Fortin et Jacques Rousseau, architectes
119 - Angela Tsementzis Architect ; Blackwell Structural Engineers
120 - Angeline Spino Architect ; Carina Rose, Designer and Architect
121 - Angie Cunningham
122 - Anicet Tremblay & Serge Harvey Architectes ; Jean Maltais Architecte
123 - Ankenman Associates Architects
124 - Annau Architect
125 - Anne Carrier architecture
126 - Anne Carrier architecture ; Architectes Labonté Marcil ; Les Services EXP ;
127 - Anne Carrier architecture ; Poulin architectes
128 - Anne Vallières, architecte
129 - Annie Lalancette, architecte ; Nelson Ruel, architecte
130 - Anthony Kemp Architects
131 - Appareil Architecture
132 - Arches
133 - Archiasmo Architectural Works
134 - Architctural Planning Architecture Interiors
135 - Architecte Fabien Nadeau
136 - Architectes Roberge et Leduc
137 - Architectes de l’Urgence du Canada, Guillaume Lévesque, MRAIC
138 - Architects + Research + Knowledge
139 - Architects Four
140 - Architects Kongats Phillips
141 - Architects Tillmann Ruth Robinson Inc ; Chorley + Bisset Ltd. ; VanBoxmeer & Stranges Engineering
142 - Architects-Alliance
143 - Architectura ; Francl Architecture
144 - Architectura ; Waisman Dewar Grout Carter Architects & Planners ; RossDrulisCusenbery Architecture
145 - Architectural Parterns ; Philip H. Carter
146 - Architectural Planning Architecture Interiors
147 - Architectural Planning Architecture Interiors ; Arthur Erickson
148 - Architectural Planning Architecture Interiors ; Francl Architecture
149 - Architecturama
150 - Architecture Counsel
151 - Architecture Incorporated, Architect
152 - Architecture Unfolded ; Baker Turner Inc.
153 - Architecture49
154 - Architecture49 ; 1x1 architecture
155 - Architecture49 ; Antoine Predock Architect
156 - Architecture49 ; Atelier Pierre Thibault
157 - Architecture49 ; DFS Architecture & Design ; STGM architectes
158 - Architecture49 ; EVOQ Architecture
159 - Architecture49 ; Farrow Partners
160 - Architecture49 ; MJMA Architecture & Design
161 - Architecture49 Inc.
162 - Architem Wolff Shapiro Kuskowski Architectes
163 - Arco Planning Consultants
164 - Arkitema
165 - Arno Matis Architecture ; Azurean Architecture
166 - Arrokabe Arquitectos SLP
167 - Arrowstreet Architecture & Design
168 - Arthur Erickson
169 - Arthur Erickson ; Mathers & Haldenby Associated Architects
170 - Arthur Erickson ; Nick Milkovich Architects
171 - Asher deGroot Architect
172 - Atelier 21
173 - Atelier Big City
174 - Atelier Big City ; Fichten Soiferman et Associés ; L’OEUF architectes
175 - Atelier Guy Architectes
176 - Atelier Kastelic Buffey
177 - Atelier Kastelic Buffey ; Samer Hoot
178 - Atelier Kastelic Buffey Inc.
179 - Atelier L'Abri
180 - Atelier Mey
181 - Atelier Pierre Thibault
182 - Atelier Pierre Thibault ; ATSH
183 - Atelier Pierre Thibault ; ultralocal architectes
184 - Atelier Ping Jiang / EID Arch
185 - Atelier TAG
186 - Atelier TAG ; Architecture49
187 - Atelier TAG ; Jodoin Lamarre Pratte architectes
188 - Atelier du Pont
189 - Atelier idea
190 - Atelier mock/up
191 - Atelier5
192 - AtkinsRéalis
193 - AtkinsRéalis ; EVOQ
194 - Atomic3
195 - Audax Architecture
196 - Audet & Knight ; Emilie Sirard et Julien Laroche
197 - Aux Projects
198 - Aux Projects ; Wolfrom Engineering
199 - B+H Architects
200 - B+H Architects ; McCallumSather
201 - B. James Wensley & Associates
202 - B3
203 - BA Collective
204 - BASF Canada
205 - BC Housing ; Dillon Consulting
206 - BCV Architecture + Interiors
207 - BDP Quadrangle
208 - BDP Quadrangle ; Brook McIlroy ; Blackwell Structural Engineers
209 - BDP Quadrangle ; Dubbeldam Architecture + Design
210 - BDP Quadrangle ; Philip Goldsmith Architect ; RJC Engineers ; Vertechs Design
211 - BDP Quadrangle ; The MBTW Group ; GREAT GULF
212 - BDP Quadrangle ; Vertechs Design ; Dorlan Engineering Consultants Inc. ; ERA Architects
213 - BGA Architectes
214 - BGLA
215 - BIG | Bjarke Ingels Group ; DIALOG ; James K.M. Cheng Architects
216 - BKDI Architects
217 - BLTA
218 - BLTA ; Anne Vallières, architecte ; Gianpiero Moretti, architetto
219 - BMD architectes
220 - BNKC Architecture + Urban Design
221 - BPA
222 - BPA ; TLA Architectes
223 - BR2 Architecture
224 - BSN Architects
225 - Babak Eslahjou
226 - Baird Sampson Neuert Architects
227 - Baird Sampson Neuert Architects ; Fliess Gates McGowan Easton Architects
228 - Baird Sampson Neuert Architects ; IBI Group
229 - Baird Sampson Neuert Architects ; SableARC Studio
230 - Baird Sampson Urban Design
231 - Baird Sampson Urban Design ; JBM Landscape Architects
232 - Baird Sampson Urban Design ; WZMH Architects
233 - Baker McGarva Hart Architecture
234 - Baker Turner Inc. ; Earthscape
235 - Barkow Leibinger
236 - Barrett Architect
237 - Barrie and Langille Architects
238 - Barry J.M. Prokop Architect
239 - Barry Johns Architect
240 - Barry V. Downs
241 - Barton Myers Architect
242 - Barton Myers Architect ; Kuwabara Payne McKenna Blumberg Architects
243 - Batay-Csorba Architects
244 - Bates Masi + Architects
245 - BattersbyHowat Architects
246 - Baywest Design Team
247 - Beaupré Michaud et associés
248 - Beaupré Michaud et associés ; Dupuis LeTourneux, architectes
249 - Behnisch Architekten
250 - Bellprat Associates
251 - Belzberg Architects
252 - Belzile Brassard Gallienne Lavoie architectes ; Sungur Incesulu ; Moshe Safdie ; Les architectes Desnoyers Mercure & associés
253 - Belzile Galienne Lavoie Martin, architectes
254 - Ben L. Ling Architect
255 - Bench Site Design inc.
256 - Berardo Graziani and Enzo Corazza
257 - Bernard Flaman
258 - Bernard Perreten Architecture
259 - Bespoke Interior Design
260 - Bevanda Architecture
261 - Bindya Lad, University of Toronto
262 - Bing Thom Architects
263 - Bing Thom Architects ; Marshall Tittemore Architects
264 - Bing Thom Architects ; Ronald Lu & Partners
265 - Bing Thom Architects ; SHAPE Architecture
266 - Birdseye Design
267 - Birmingham & Wood - Architects and Planners
268 - Birmingham & Wood Architects Planners
269 - Birtz Bastien Beaudoin Laforest architectes
270 - Birtz Bastien Beaudoin Laforest architectes ; Saia et Barbarese, architectes
271 - Bisson associés ; Carl Charron architecte
272 - Bisson associés
273 - Bisson associés ; Atelier Pierre Thibault
274 - Bisson, Poulin, architectes
275 - Bittorf Holland Christianson
276 - Black and Moffat Architects
277 - Blanchette Architectes
278 - Bland/Lemoyne/Shine
279 - Bldg Studio
280 - Blouin Faucher Aubertin Brodeur Gauthier Plante, architectes
281 - Blouin Faucher Aubertin Brodeur Gauthier Plante, architectes ; DMA architecture
282 - Blouin IKOY & Associés
283 - Blouin Orzes architectes
284 - Blouin Tardif architectes
285 - Blouin Tardif architectes ; EPA Architecture
286 - Blouin Tardif architectes ; Martin Roy et Associés
287 - Blouin et associés, architectes
288 - Blouin, Blouin et associés, architectes
289 - Blue Architects ; Ruprecht Architekten
290 - BoOn Architecture ; Atelier mock/up
291 - Bobbitt Construction
292 - Bohlin Cywinski Jackson
293 - Bonnie Crook and Ron Tasker
294 - Boralex
295 - Bortolotto Design Architect
296 - Boudrias, Boudreau, St. Jean
297 - Bourgeois Lechasseur architectes
298 - Box architectures ; Bosses Design
299 - Brad Comis, Sebastien Sauve-Hoover, Danielle Soneff of Threshold Art and Design ; Jesse Sherburne
300 - Brandon Eli John Bergem
301 - Bregman & Hamann Architects
302 - Bregman & Hamann Architects ; A.J. Diamond, Donald Schmitt and Company
303 - Bregman & Hamann Architects ; John B. Parkin Associates ; Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
304 - Bregman & Hamann Architects ; Zeidler Architecture
305 - Brewster Drafting Design
306 - Brian A. Urbanik, student
307 - Brian Gebhardt
308 - Brian MacKay-Lyons Architecture and Urban Design
309 - BridgmanCollaborative Architecture
310 - Brigitte Ng, architect
311 - Brigitte Shim Architect
312 - Brillhart Architecture
313 - Brisbin Brook Beynon, Architects
314 - Brook Carruthers Shaw
315 - Brook McIlrow
316 - Brook McIlroy
317 - Brook McIlroy ; BA Group
318 - Brook McIlroy ; David Thomas
319 - Brook McIlroy ; Ryan Gorrie ; The City of Thunder Bay
320 - Brook McIlroy ; SvN Architects + Planners ; HDR Architecture ; Public Work ; Antoine Grumbach & Associés ; Third Party Public ; ERA Architects ; N. Barry Lyon Consultants ; Public Space Workshop
321 - Brook McIlroy Inc.
322 - Brown and Storey Architects
323 - Brown and Storey Architects ; MacViro Consultants
324 - Bruce Carscadden Architects
325 - Bruce Carscadden Architects ; IBI Group
326 - Bruce Garner, sculptor
327 - Bruno Freschi, Architect
328 - Bruno Verge, architecte ; TERGOS Architecture + Construction
329 - Bryce Clayton (University of Waterloo)
330 - Bucholz McEvoy Architects
331 - BuildGreen Solutions
332 - Building Science Engineering
333 - Burka Architects
334 - Busby + Associates Architects
335 - Busby + Associates Architects ; Frits de Vries Architects
336 - Busby + Associates Architects ; George Lorenzon
337 - Butler Wiltshire
338 - Buttjes, Burgers, Sammarco
339 - Bégin et Rodrigue, architectes
340 - C. Blakeway Millar
341 - C.A. Ventin Architect
342 - C.C. Yao ; Read Jones Christoffersen
343 - C.Y. Lee Architect
344 - CARGO Architecture
345 - CCM2 architectes
346 - CCM2 architectes ; GM architectes
347 - CCM2 architectes ; Groupe A / Annexe U ; Les Architectes Odette Roy et Isabelle Jacques
348 - CCxA Architectes paysagistes ; Blackwell Structural Engineers ; Luis Jacob ; DEW Inc
349 - CCxA Architectes paysagistes ; NAK Design Strategies ; Atelier Carle ; Lightwave Studio ; MMM Group ; Linda Covit ; Fela Grunwald Fine Arts
350 - CCxA Architectes paysagistes Inc.
351 - CEI Architecture
352 - CGBWSTUDIO ; Les maîtres d’oeuvre Hovington Gauthier Architectes
353 - CH2M Hill Canada Limited
354 - CIMA+
355 - CIMA+ ; WSP
356 - CLB Architects
357 - COMN Architects
358 - CORE Architects ; Stephenson Engineering ; gh3*
359 - CS&P Architects
360 - CSV Architects
361 - CSV Consultants
362 - Calgary Municipal Land Corporation
363 - Calnitsky Associates Architects ; Peter Sampson Architecture Studio
364 - Cameron Parkin
365 - Cameron Penney
366 - Canada Lands Company ; MST Partnership ; DIALOG
367 - CannonDesign
368 - CannonDesign ; NEUF architect(e)s
369 - CannonDesign ; NEUF architect(e)s ; Jodoin Lamarre Pratte architectes ; Menkès Shooner Dagenais LeTourneux architectes
370 - Capitol Steel
371 - Cardin Julien
372 - Cardin Julien ; Aedifica
373 - Cardinal Conley Associates
374 - Cardinal Hardy, architectes
375 - Cardinal Hardy, architectes ; Cayouette­Chartrand et associés, architectes
376 - Cardinal Hardy, architectes ; Labonté Marcil ; Éric Pelletier architecte
377 - Carmen Corneil/ Architect
378 - Carney Logan Burke Architects
379 - Carol Phillips, Intern Architect ; Jarle Lovlin, Graduate Architect ; Robin Greenwood, Graduate Architect
380 - Carolynn Wilson, University of Manitoba
381 - Carruthers & Associates Architects
382 - Carruthers Shaw And Partners Architects
383 - Carscadden Stokes McDonald Architects
384 - Casabella Construction
385 - Casault, Delisle, architectes
386 - Cascadia Architects
387 - Cassie Kent & Carlos Moreno, Intern Architects
388 - Catherine Houle, Marianne Lapalme et Vanessa Poirier (Université Laval)
389 - Catherine Lin, intern
390 - Catherine White
391 - Catterall & Wright
392 - Cayouette & Saia
393 - Cayouette et Saia, architectes
394 - Celeste Brunel
395 - Cematrix Canada Inc.
396 - Central Precast
397 - Challenge Design Pte.
398 - Chan Yiu-Bun, Intern Architect
399 - Chang Holovsky Architects
400 - Charles Simon Architect
401 - Charron Architecte
402 - Chernoff Architect
403 - Chevalier Morales
404 - Chevalier Morales ; DMA architecture
405 - Chevalier Morales ; Latéral
406 - China Architecture Design and Research Group
407 - Chomik Crittenden Architects
408 - Chris Woodford of Woodford Sheppard Architecture
409 - Christian Dionne, architecte
410 - Christopher Simmonds Architect
411 - Cibinel Architects
412 - Cibinel Architects ; Batteriid Architects
413 - Cibinel Architects ; Maltzan Architecture Inc.
414 - Cima+
415 - Cima+ ; Consortium des Architectes du CHUSJ
416 - Cima+ ; GLCRM Architectes ; Provencher_Roy
417 - Cimaise ; Menkès Shooner Dagenais LeTourneux architectes
418 - Cindy Rendeley Architexture
419 - Citadel Properties
420 - Cite 360 Studio
421 - City of Calgary
422 - City of Coquitlam Planning Department
423 - City of Edmonton
424 - City of Edmonton; DIALOG
425 - City of Kitchener
426 - City of London ; Vesuvius Canada Inc.
427 - City of Mississauga ; George & Asmussen Ltd. ; Shore Tilbe Irwin + Partners ; Halcrow Yolles
428 - City of Saskatoon
429 - City of Surrey ; EcoPlan International ; Northwest Hydraulics
430 - City of Toronto
431 - City of Vancouver
432 - CitySpaces Consulting
433 - Citylights Toronto ; LeuWebb Projects
434 - Cityzen Development Group ; Fernbook Homes
435 - Civitas Group
436 - Claude Cormier et Associés
437 - Clifford & Lawrie
438 - Clifford Wiens
439 - Clothilde Caillé-Lévesque, McGill University
440 - Coarchitecture
441 - Coarchitecture ; Bourgeois Lechasseur architectes ; Lemay
442 - Coarchitecture ; Lemay Michaud
443 - Coarchitecture ; in situ atelier d’architecture ; L'architecte Jacques Plante
444 - Cohlmeyer Architects
445 - Cohlmeyer Architects ; 5468796 architecture
446 - Cohlmeyer Architects ; HETA
447 - Cohlmeyer Architecture
448 - Cohos Evamy Integratedesign
449 - Colin Pinchin, (British Columbia Institute of Technology)
450 - Colizza Bruni Architecture
451 - Collectif Escargo
452 - Colliers Engineering & Design
453 - Concrete Walls Canada Concrete
454 - Congregation of Redeemed Christian Church of God
455 - Congregation of Westminster United Church
456 - Connery Friesen, (University of Manitoba)
457 - ConstrucLab
458 - Cooper Rankin Architecture
459 - Cora Group ; Stantec Architecture
460 - Core Architects
461 - Coreslab Structures (ONT) Inc.
462 - Cornerstone Architecture
463 - Corporation Mainbourg
464 - Corporation de l’église Saint-James the Apostle
465 - Coupland Kraemer Architecture + Interior Design ; 1x1 architecture
466 - Craig, Zeidler and Strong
467 - Cravit Ortved Architects
468 - CreateTO
469 - Croft Pelletier architectes
470 - Croft Pelletier architectes ; Pierre Daoust architecte
471 - Crosby Hanna & Associates
472 - Csorba Architects
473 - Cube Architecture; Latéral
474 - Cuhaci & Associates Architects
475 - Culham Pedersen Valentine Architecture Engineering Space Planning and Interior Design
476 - Cutler Anderson Architects
477 - Côté, Chabot, Morel, architectes
478 - D Lavoie Architecte
479 - D'Arcy Jones Design
480 - D'arcy Jones Architects
481 - D.R. Coole Architecture
482 - DA Architects
483 - DA Architects + Planners ; MCMP Architects
484 - DA Architects ; MCM Architecture & Design ; LMN Architects
485 - DAOUST Lestage Lizotte Stecker
486 - DBR/Design Build Research, Alsu Sadrieva
487 - DCYSA architecture & design
488 - DCYT Architecture
489 - DFS Architecture & Design
490 - DFS Inc.
491 - DIALOG
492 - DIALOG ; B+H Architects
493 - DIALOG ; Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG) ; James Cheng Architects
495 - DIALOG ; Perkins+Will
496 - DIALOG ; Smoke Architecture
497 - DIALOG ; Snøhetta
498 - DIALOG ; Stantec Consulting
499 - DIALOG ; smoke architecture
500 - DIALOG BC Architecture Engineering Interior Design Planning Inc.
501 - DIALOG Ontario Inc.
502 - DLP Architecture
503 - DMA architectes
504 - DMA architecture
505 - DMG Architecture
506 - DR Coole Architecture
507 - DRSA Architecture
508 - DSRA Envision Architecture
509 - DTAH
510 - DTAH ; AECOM ; Public Space Workshop ; Andrew Davies Design ; SPH Planning & Consulting ; LURA Consulting
511 - DTAH ; Mott MacDonald ; Schollen & Company Inc.
512 - DUB Architects
513 - DUBBELDAM Architecture + Design
514 - Daluz Gonzalez Architekten
515 - Dan Hanganu architectes
516 - Dan Hanganu architectes ; Coté Leahy Cardas architectes
517 - Dan Hanganu architectes ; Jodoin Lamarre Pratte architectes
518 - Dan Hanganu architectes ; Provencher_Roy
519 - Dan Prentice ; RJC Engineers
520 - Daniel Paiement Architecte
521 - Daniel S. Pearl, architect
522 - Daniel et Bonita Slunder
523 - Danielle Berwick, University of Toronto
524 - Daoust Lestage
525 - Daoust Lestage ; ABCP architecture
526 - Daoust Lestage ; Optio Aménagement
527 - Daoust Lestage Lizotte Stecker
528 - Daoust Lestage Lizotte Stecker Architecture
529 - Darryl J. Hood, Intern Architect ; CSV Consultants
530 - David Coole, University of British Columbia 
531 - David Donnelly, McGill University School of Architecture
532 - David Fujiwara Architect
533 - David Goyer Architecture
534 - David J. Agro, architect
535 - David Mizrahi, ingénieur
536 - David Nairne + Associates
537 - David Penner architect
538 - David Penner architect ; h5 Architecture
539 - David Poloway
540 - Dda Architecture Ltd. ; KTA Structural Engineers Ltd.
541 - De Waal Developments ; Designex Consulting
542 - De Zwarte Hond
543 - DeBlois et Côté, architectes
544 - DeJONG Architecture
545 - DeJong Design Associates
546 - Declan Roberts
547 - Deer Ridge Heights Inc. ; George & Asmussen Ltd. ; Skinner & Skinner ; The Walter Fedy Partnership
548 - Delcan, une société de Parsons
549 - Delcan, une société de Parsons ; DPHV
550 - Denegri Bessai Studio
551 - Denis Bouchard et Denis Chabot, architectes
552 - Denis St-Louis & Associés, architectes
553 - Dereck Revington Studio
554 - Dereck Revington Studio ; Mulvey + Banani ; Blackwell Structural Engineers
555 - Dereck Revington Studio ; PLANT Architects
556 - Derek Neale & Tomasz Staniszkis
557 - Desai Chia Architecture ; Environment Architects
558 - Design Plus Architecture
559 - DesignAgency ; tongtong
560 - Dialogue 38
561 - Diamond & Myers
562 - Diamond Schmitt Architects
563 - Diamond Schmitt Architects ; CEI Architecture
564 - Diamond Schmitt Architects ; Lemay Michaud
565 - Diamond Schmitt Architects ; Number TEN Architectural Group
566 - Diamond Schmitt Architects ; RJC Engineers
567 - Diamond Schmitt Architects ; gh3*
568 - Diamond Schmitt Architects ; sza Shoalts and Zaback Architects Ltd.
569 - Diamond Schmitt Architects Inc.
570 - Diamond Schmitt Architects Inc. ; Tod Williams Billie Tsien Architects
571 - Diamond Schmitt Architects Inc. ; Number TEN Architectural Group
572 - DiamondKilmer developments
573 - Diana Kellogg Architects
574 - Diana Saragosa, University of Waterloo student
575 - Dietmar Straub ; Anna Thurmayr
576 - Dietrich | Untertrifaller
577 - Dietrich | Untertrifaller Architekten
578 - Dietrich | Untertrifaller Architekten ; Colas Durand Architectes
579 - Dillon Consulting
580 - Dimitri Dimakopoulos
581 - Dimitri Dimakopoulos ; Jodoin Lamarre Pratte architectes
582 - Diocèse de Nicolet
583 - Diran G. Loris, architect
584 - Diran G. Loris, architecte
585 - District of Saanich
586 - Domenic Meffe Architects
587 - Dominique Cheng, OAA
588 - Dominique Mc Ewen-Lachance, architecte ; Ronald Keenberg
589 - Donald Luxton & Associates
590 - Donald Luxton & Associates Inc ; JCK Engineering Inc.
591 - Douglas Cardinal Architect
592 - Douglas Cardinal Architect ; RBM Architecture
593 - Douglas Field
594 - Douglas J. Cardinal, architecte ; Les architectes Tétreault Parent Languedoc et associés
595 - Dowling Architects
596 - Down & Livesey Architects
597 - Downs/Archambault & Partners
598 - Draftline Designs
599 - Drew Mandel Architects
600 - Dtah
601 - Du Toit Allsopp Hillier
602 - DuBois Plumb & Associates
603 - Dubbeldam Architecture + Design
604 - Duel Architecture
605 - Dufferin Concrete
606 - Dufferin Concrete (A CRH Company)
607 - Duffus Romans Kundzins Rounsefell
608 - Dunlop Farrow Aitken Architects Engineers
609 - Dupuis LeTourneux, architectes ; Benoît Goudreault, architectes
610 - Durand Bergeron architectes ; Rivest Jodoin et associés architectes
611 - Dustin Sauder
612 - D’Ambrosio architecture + urbanism
613 - D’Arcy Jones Architecture
614 - ECOTEN
615 - EDGZ A&D
616 - EPI EcoPlan International ; City of St. George
617 - EPOH
618 - ERA Architects
619 - ERA Architects ; DSA-KWC Architects ; John G. Cooke and Associates Ltd.
620 - ERA Architects ; MTE ; DesignAgency ; Marcel Dion Lighting Design
621 - ERA Architects ; NADAA
622 - ERA Architects ; PCL Construction
623 - ERA Architects Emily Kewageshig
624 - EVOQ Architecture
625 - EVOQ Architecture ; ARTCAD
626 - EVOQ Architecture ; Historic Plaster Conservation Services ; Adjeleian Allen Rubeli
627 - EVOQ Architecture civiliti
628 - EXP
629 - Earthscape
630 - Earthscape Play
631 - Eastern Designers Company
632 - Eastside Culture Crawl Society
633 - Ecohabitation
634 - Eddie Edmundson, architect
635 - Edge Architects
636 - Edward Galanyk
637 - Edward J. Cuhaci and Associates Architects
638 - Edward J. Cuhaci and Associates Architects Inc.
639 - Edwards Edwards McEwen Architect
640 - Eide, Fianu, architectes (Atelier BRAQ)
641 - Ekistics Plan+Design
642 - Elding Oscarson
643 - Elevate Design Projects ; Nam Dang-Mitchell Design ; Urbano Design and Development
644 - Elliot + Elliot Architecture
645 - Elmar Ludescher Architekt
646 - Endo Architectural Atelier Co., Ltd.
647 - Englobe
648 - Ensitu, Panama ; Urbio ; gh3* ; NXL ; Lab Architects ; David Agro
649 - Entuitive ; Grimshaw Architects ; Quinn Design Associates ; Planmac Engineering Inc. ; Mulvey + Banani ; schlaich bergermann partner ; Ken Greenberg
650 - Eric Baczuk, Dalhousie University
651 - Eric Pelletier Architectes
652 - Eric Stotts architect
653 - Eric Stotts architect ; Andy Lynch
654 - Erickson / Massey architects
655 - Erik Roberson ; Zakary Jacobi ; Check Yiu Yo Yo Tang
656 - Erin Hunt, Dalhousie University 
657 - Esmond Lee
658 - Espace culturel Le Vitrail (Chaudière-Appalaches)
659 - Ethos Engineering
660 - Evelyne St-Jacques, Université de Montréal
661 - F2A Architecture Ltd.
662 - FBM Architecture & Interior Design
663 - FBM Architecture Interior Design
664 - FBM Architecture | Interior Design | Planning
665 - FFA Architecture and Interiors, Inc.
666 - FINNE Architects
667 - FNDA Architecture ; Manu Chugh Architect
668 - FNX-INNOV ; J.L. Richards & Associates
669 - FORM Architecture Engineering
670 - FORREC Ltd.
671 - FWBA Architects
672 - Fabrique de la paroisse Notre-Dame de l’Assomption
673 - Fabrique de la paroisse Saint-Denis
674 - Fabrique de la paroisse Saint-Mathias-sur-Richelieu (Montérégie)
675 - Fabrique de la paroisse Sainte-Croix de Tadoussac
676 - Fabrique de la paroisse Sainte-Julienne (Lanaudière)
677 - Fabrique de la paroisse de La Visitation
678 - Fairbank Architects
679 - Fairfield DuBois ; Alan R. Moody
680 - Faisal Bashir, University of Toronto
681 - Farrow Partners
682 - Farrow Partners ; Perkins+Will
683 - Farrow Partners Inc. Architects
684 - Fast + Epp
685 - Fast + Epp ; StructureCraft Builders
686 - Fathom Studio
687 - Fathom Studio ; Dexel
688 - Ferguson Ferguson Architects
689 - Fichten Soiferman et Associés
690 - Final Draft
691 - Flavio Trevisan, Intern Architect (Graphic Design) ; TSA Guide Map Committee
692 - Fleisher Ridout Partnership
693 - Florian Maurer Architect
694 - Fondation de l’Église Christ Church de Sorel-Tracy
695 - Formline Architecture
696 - Formline Architecture ; LGA Architectural Partners ; PUBLIC WORK office for urban design & landscape architecture
697 - Foster + Partners
698 - Foster + Partners ; Zeidler Architecture
699 - Fougere Menchenton Architecture
700 - Fowler Bauld & Mitchell
701 - Fowler Bauld & Mitchell ; schmidt hammer lassen architects
702 - Fox Whyte Landscape Architecture and Design
703 - Francesco Scolozzi, Architect
704 - Francis Lussier Architecte
705 - Francis Ng, McGill University
706 - Francl Architecture
707 - Francl Architecture ; Nick Milkovich Architects
708 - Francl Architecture ; Pechet and Robb art and architecture
709 - Francl Architecture ; mcfarlane biggar architects + designers
710 - Frank Architecture + Interiors ; Little Giant Studio
711 - Frank Harmon Architect
712 - François Courville, architecte paysagiste, et Coarchitecture
713 - Fred Thornton Hollingsworth
714 - Friggstad Downing Henry Architects
715 - Frits de Vries Architects
716 - Full Fat Design
717 - Future Simple Studio
718 - Félix Bédard, ING
719 - G. Bruce Stratton Architects
720 - G. Bruce Stratton Architects ; A.J. Diamond, Donald Schmitt and Company
721 - G.F. Duffus & Company
722 - GBCA ; KPMB
723 - GBCA Architects ; Eve Guinan Design Restoration ; Vitreous Glassworks ; Iconoplast Designs Inc. ; Historic Plaster Conservation Services ; Graham Conservation ; Clifford Restoration
724 - GBL Architects
725 - GEC Architecture
726 - GEC Architecture ; RJC Engineers
727 - GGA-Architecture
728 - GH+A Design Studios
729 - GHA architecture et développement durable ; Tergos Architecture
730 - GHD Consultants Ltée
731 - GIAIMO
732 - GKC Architecture & Design ; SDK et associés
733 - GLCRM Architectes
734 - GMAD – Groupe Marchand Architecture Design
735 - GRC Architects
736 - GRC Architects ; Barry Padolsky Associates Inc. ; Adjeleian Allen Rubeli Limited
737 - GRC Architects ; John G. Cooke and Associates ; Robertson Martin Architects
738 - Gabarit ; AAA construction
739 - Gabriel Prost Architecture
740 - Gabriel Rivest, Jean-Nicolas Faguy and Ngo Le Minh, Université Laval
741 - Gabriel Rousseau architecte
742 - Gagnon, Guy, Letellier, Ross, architectes
743 - Gair Williamson Architect
744 - Garwood-Jones & Hanham
745 - Garwood-Jones + van Nostrand Architects
746 - Garwood-Jones van Nostrand Hanson Architects
747 - Gates_Suter Architects
748 - Gateway Architecture
749 - Gauthier Gallienne Moisan architectes
750 - Gauthier Guité Daoust Lestage architectes
751 - Gauthier Guité Daoust Lestage architectes ; Le Groupe Lestage ; Provencher_Roy ; Les architectes Dupuis, Dubuc et associés
752 - Gauthier Guité Daoust Lestage architectes ; Les architectes Bernard et Cloutier ; Pierre Cayer, architecte
753 - Gauthier Guité Roy architectes
754 - Gauthier Guité Roy architectes ; Belzile Brassard Gallienne Lavoie architectes ; Le groupe Lestage
755 - Gauthier Guité Roy architectes ; D'Anjou, Moisan et associés
756 - Gauthier Guité Roy architectes ; Gagnon, Guy, Letellier, Cyr, architectes
757 - Gauthier Guité Roy architectes ; Les Architectes D’Anjou, Moison et Associés
758 - Gbi
759 - Gbi ; WAA et associés
760 - Gensler
761 - Geoff Crosby, Technical University of Nova Scotia
762 - Geoffrey Kumagai, Intern Architect
763 - George Baird Architect and Associates
764 - George Friedman Architect ; Rounthwaite Dick and Hadley Architects Inc. ; NAK Design Strategies
765 - George Friedman, Architect ; Carol Boucher, Intern Architect ; Natasha Krickhan, Intern Architect ; Rosa Malta
766 - George Robb Architect
767 - Gerald Epp, StructureCraft Builders
768 - Gerald Gladstone, Sculptures
769 - Gerald Schoalts and Deborah Washington
770 - Giaimo
771 - Giannone Associates Architects
772 - Giannone Associates Architects ; Pilchner Schoustal International
773 - Gibbs Gage Architects
774 - Gibbs Gage Architects ; A.J. Diamond, Donald Schmitt and Company
775 - Gibbs Gage Architects ; A.J. Diamond, Donald Schmitt and Company ; Landscape Architects: O2
776 - Gibbs Gage Architects ; Pickard Chilton Architects
777 - Gillon-Larouche
778 - Giussepina Petricone, University of Toronto school of Architecture
779 - Gladki Planning Associates ; DTAH ; urbanMetrics ; City of Mississauga
780 - Glenn Edwards, University of Waterloo School of Architecture
781 - Goldsmith Borgal & Company Architects
782 - Gonzalo Claro
783 - Goodfellow Architecture
784 - Google Canada
785 - Gordon Atkins & Associates
786 - Gordon Ridgley Architects
787 - Gordon S. Adamson & Associates
788 - Gosselin & Fortin, Architectes
789 - Government of BC
790 - Gow Hastings Architects
791 - Gow Hastings Architects ; Two Row Architect
792 - Gow Hastings Architects ; Two Row Architect ; FORREC ; RJC Engineers
793 - Gowling and Gibb Architects
794 - Graham Baba Architects
795 - Graham McCourt Architects
796 - Gray Organschi Architecture
797 - Graziani+Corazza Architects
798 - Graziani+Corazza Architects ; Wilk Associates Landscape Architecture Ltd.
799 - Gregory M. Ward, Architect
800 - Griffith Rankin Cook Architects
801 - Griffith Rankin Cook Architects ; LeMoyne Lapointe Magne, architectes et urbanistes ; Ala-Kantti Woodman
802 - Griffiths Rankin Cook Architects
803 - Grimshaw Architects ; SBP Schlaich Bergermann Partner ; Entuitive Corp.
804 - Grinham Architects
805 - Group 2 Architecture Interior Design
806 - Group2 Architecture Interior Design
807 - Group2 Architecture Interior Design ; Crosby Hanna & Associates ; Catterall & Wright ; Daniels Wingerak Engineering Ltd. ; JCK Engineering ; PWA Engineering Ltd.
808 - Group2 Architecture Interior Design ; Patkau Architects
809 - Group2 Architecture Interior Design ; Perkins+Will
810 - Group2 Architecture Interior Design ; RJC Engineers
811 - Group2 Architecture Interior Design ; SHAPE Architecture ; PECHET Studio
812 - Groupe A / Annexe U
813 - Groupe ABS
814 - Groupe Rousseau Lefebvre
815 - Groupe TNT
816 - Guido Costantino Projects
817 - Guillaume Lévesque
818 - Guy Architects
819 - Guy Pocock, MRAIC
820 - H.H Angus & Associates Ltd. ; Milman & Associates Ltd.
821 - H.T.D. Tanner & John R. Kay
822 - HANNAH Design Office LLC
823 - HCMA Architecture+Design
824 - HCMA Architecture+Design ; DUB Architects
825 - HCMA Architecture+Design ; DUB Architects ; FaulknerBrowns ; Fast + Epp
826 - HCMA Architecture+Design ; DUB Architects 
827 - HCMA Architecture+Design ; MCMP Architects
828 - HDH Architects
829 - HDR
830 - HDR Architecture
831 - HDR Architecture ; MJMA Architects
832 - HGA Architects and Engineers
833 - HGA Architecture
834 - HIP Architects ; David Murray Architect
835 - HOK
836 - HR Pacific Construction Management
837 - HTFC Planning & Design
838 - HTFC Planning & Design ; WSP Engineering ; The City of Winnipeg ; CentreVenture Development Corporation
839 - Ha2 Architecture & Design
840 - Hacker
841 - Hagy Belzberg Architect
842 - Halcrow Yolles
843 - Halifax Regional Municipality Planning and Development
844 - Halkier Architects
845 - Hall Marine Design ; Weir Minerals Canada
846 - Handel Architects
847 - Hanna, Ghobrial and Associates
848 - Hanson Ready Mix
849 - Hapa Collaborative
850 - Happy City ; City of Vancouver
851 - Harbourside Engineering Consultants
852 - Hariri Pontarini Architects
853 - Hariri Pontarini Architects ; Adamson Associates Architects
854 - Hariri Pontarini Architects ; B+H Architects
855 - Hariri Pontarini Architects ; ERA Architects
856 - Hariri Pontarini Architects ; Iredale Architecture
857 - Hariri Pontarini Architects ; Mark Hartley Landscape Architects ; Entuitive ; ERA Architects
858 - Hariri Pontarini Architects ; Robbie/Young + Wright Architects
859 - Hariri Pontarini Architects ; Urban Strategies Inc. ; Jablonsky Ast & Partners
860 - Harold B. Ensslen, Architect
861 - Harrington McAvan Ltd.
862 - Harry J. Jedlic Architect
863 - Hartshorne Plunkard Architecture ; DLR Group
864 - Hassell / Griblin Associates ; Meiklejohn Gower Fulker & Wallace Architects
865 - Hatem+D ; Étienne Bernier Architecture
866 - HavenCraft Designs
867 - Heather Howat, Faculty of Architecture, Technical University of Nova Scotia
868 - Helliwell + Smith ; Blue Sky Architecture
869 - Hemingway and Laubenthal Architects
870 - Hemsworth Architecture
871 - Heneghan Peng Architects ; Kearns Mancini Architects
872 - Heney Klypak Architect
873 - Hennebery Eddy Architects
874 - Henning Larsen Architects ; Adamson Associates Architects
875 - Henning Larsen Architects ; KPMB
876 - Henning Larsen KPMB Architects SLA Urban Strategies Inc. Northcrest Developments Canada Lands Company
877 - Henri Cleinge architecte
878 - Henri Colombani, architecte
879 - Henriquez & Todd
880 - Henriquez Partners Architects
881 - Henriquez Partners Architects ; IBI Group
882 - Henriquez Partners Architects ; Toby Russell Buckwell & Partners
883 - Henry Downing Architects
884 - Henry Downing Architects ; Flad Architects ; P.Machibroda Engineering
885 - Henry Fliess
886 - Henry Hawthorn, Robert Mansfield, Associated Architects
887 - Henry Lau
888 - Herbert Enns, architect
889 - High Level Line Society
890 - Historic Environment Scotland
891 - Hobin Architecture
892 - Holly Shearer
893 - Hong Kong University Architecture students
894 - Hossack & Associates Architects ; Graham Hess & Associates Inc.
895 - Hotson Bakker Boniface Haden Architects
896 - Hotson Bakker Boniface Haden Architects ; Kuwabara Payne McKenna Blumberg Architects
897 - Houdinidesign ARCHITECTS
898 - Howard D. Chapman
899 - Hubert Chamberland, architecte et urbaniste
900 - Hubert Pelletier, Université de Montréal
901 - Hugh McMillan Architects ; Radoslav Zuk, Visiting Architect
902 - Hughes Baldwin Architects
903 - Hughes Condon Marler Architects
904 - Hughes Condon Marler Architects ; DUB Architects
905 - Hughes Condon Marler Architects 
906 - Hughes Condon Marler Architects ; Clive Grout Architects
907 - Humphreys & Partners Architects
908 - Hébert & Lalonde
909 - Héloïse Thibodeau Architecte
910 - IAA Industrial Architecture Alliance
911 - IBI Group
912 - IBI Group ; Brown and Storey Architects Inc.
913 - IBI Group ; Henriquez Partners Architects ; Karlsberger Company
914 - IBI Group ; Kenaidan Contracting Ltd.
915 - IBI Group ; Urban Strategies ; WSP Group
916 - IKOY Architects
917 - IKOY Architects ; R.E. Hulbert and Partners
918 - ISL Engineering & Land Services
919 - Ian MacDonald Architect
920 - Ian MacDonald Architect Inc.
921 - Indigenous Design Studio ; Brook McIlroy
922 - Innocon Concrete
923 - Innovation Building Group
924 - Integra Architecture
925 - Intelligent Futures ; Hatfield Consultants ; The City of Calgary
926 - Introba
927 - Intégral Jean Beaudoin
928 - Invizij Architects
929 - Iredale Architecture
930 - Irene G Design ; Richard Mann, architect
931 - Irving Grossman Architect
932 - Irving Grossman Architect ; Graham-Bacon
933 - Irving Smith Jack Architects
934 - Isabelle Bradbury architecture ; KWC Architects
935 - IwamotoScott Architecture
936 - IwamotoScott Architecture ; Spector Group
937 - Iwanski Architecture ; Donald Luxton & Associates Inc ; City of Calgary
938 - J. H. Cook Architects
939 - J.C. Akin Architect
940 - J.L. Richards & Associates ; Perkins+Will
941 - J.W. Long & Associates
942 - JC Kenyon Engineering
943 - JDA Architects
944 - JK-AR
945 - JLP & Associés ; LeMoyne Lapointe Magne, architectes et urbanistes
946 - JM Gartly Design Studio Inc ; Donald Luxton and Associates
947 - JWT Architecture and Planning
948 - Ja Architecture Studio
949 - Jablonsky Ast & Partners
950 - Jacques Rousseau
951 - Jacques Rousseau, architecte
952 - Jamal Contracting
953 - James A. Colizza Architect
954 - James Banks, (University of Waterloo)
955 - James Brittain
956 - James Cheng Architects
957 - James E. Secord and Saul Herzog
958 - James KM Cheng Architects ; PFS Studio
959 - James McWilliam Landscape Architect
960 - James W. Strutt
961 - Jamey Richards of the University of Toronto
962 - Jamey Richards, Intern Architect
963 - Janet Rosenberg & Studio
964 - Janet Rosenberg & Studio ; Mary Anne Barkhouse ; Michael Belmore ; Eventscape ; Green Fuse
965 - Janto Engineering
966 - Jason Le Blanc, student
967 - Jason McMillan, University of Waterloo
968 - Jason Michael Kun of the University of Manitoba
969 - Jason Smirnis, Intern Architect
970 - Jean Laberge, architecte
971 - Jean Trottier and Ryan Coates
972 - Jean Verville architecte
973 - Jean-Louis Robillard, architecte
974 - Jean-Maxime Labrecque
975 - Jean­Marie Roy architecte
976 - Jeffery Stinson, Architect
977 - Jeffrey Ma, Université McGill
978 - Jenkins & Sturgess Architects
979 - Jenna Carolynne Bosc
980 - Jennifer Davis ; Jon Sasaki
981 - Jerilyn Wright & Associates Interior Design Consultants
982 - Jerome Engelking
983 - Jerome Markson
984 - Jerome Markson Architect
985 - Jerome Markson Architects
986 - Jill Anholt Studio
987 - Jill Anholt Studio (Artist)
988 - Jim Strasman Architects
989 - Jodoin Lamarre Pratte architectes
990 - Jodoin Lamarre Pratte architectes ; LeMoyne Lapointe Magne, architectes et urbanistes
991 - Jodoin Lamarre Pratte architectes ; Marosi+Troy architectes
992 - Jodoin Lamarre Pratte architectes ; Menkès Shooner Dagenais LeTourneux architectes ; NEUF architect(e)s ; SDK et associés
993 - Jody Bielun, Student - University of Waterloo
994 - Joe Kalturnyk, Chad Connery, Jon Reid
995 - Joe Lobko Architect
996 - Joe Lobko Architect ; du Toit Architects
997 - Joe Somfay Architect
998 - Joe Y. Wai Architect
999 - Joey Giaimo of the University of British Columbia
1000 - John Andrews Architects
1001 - John Andrews Architects ; WZMH Architects
1002 - John Andrews Architects ; Webb Zerafa Menkès
1003 - John B. Parkin Associates
1004 - John Brown Architect
1005 - John Brown Architect ; Stantec Architecture
1006 - John Cowle Architect
1007 - John D. MacLennan Architects
1008 - John Duerksen, University of Manitoba
1009 - John H. Daniels, University of Toronto
1010 - John Hix Architect
1011 - John Jinwoo Han, McGill University
1012 - John Kapov, Architect
1013 - John MacDonald Architect
1014 - John Notten
1015 - John Perkins Associates
1016 - John Perkins Associates ; Peter Wardle Partnership
1017 - John Preston and Joseph Bogdan
1018 - John R. Kay
1019 - John Robert Carley Architect
1020 - Johnathan Wong, student
1021 - Johnsen Schmaling Architects
1022 - Johnson Chou
1023 - Johnston Davidson Architecture
1024 - Jon Ackerley, University of British Columbia
1025 - Jon Astolfi
1026 - Jon Hobbs Architect
1027 - Jonathan Kabumbe
1028 - Jonathan Lum, University of Manitoba
1029 - Jonathan Monfries Design
1030 - Jones & Kirkland Architects
1031 - Jones & Kirkland, Architects
1032 - Jorge Martinez-Camps
1033 - Jose Power
1034 - Joseph Bogdan & John Preston
1035 - Josh Wallace
1036 - Joshua Nieves, Dalhousie University
1037 - Joël Beaulieu
1038 - Julian Jacobs Architects
1039 - Julie Lugosi
1040 - KANVA Architecture
1041 - KANVA Architecture ; NEUF architect(e)s
1042 - KENNEDY
1043 - KH Design
1044 - KMBR Architects Planners
1045 - KMBR Architects Planners ; CEI Architecture
1046 - KNYMH
1047 - KPMB Architects
1048 - KPMB Architects ; Adamson Associates Architects ; Entuitive ; Micah Lexier ; Rina Greer ; Lisa Naftolin
1049 - KPMB Architects ; Architecture49
1050 - KPMB Architects ; Architecture49 ; PFS Studio
1051 - KPMB Architects ; Daoust Lestage
1052 - KPMB Architects ; HCMA Architecture+Design
1053 - KPMB Architects ; PUBLIC Architecture + Communication
1054 - KPMB Architects ; Smith Carter Architects & Engineers ; Prairie Architects
1055 - KPMB Architects ; Stantec ; HDR Architecture ; Diamond Schmitt ; PFS Studio ; Urban Strategies ; Bruce Tree ; ERA Architects
1056 - KPMB Architects ; Superkül ; gh3* ; Omar Gandhi Architect
1057 - KPMB Architects ; TreanorHL
1058 - KPMB Architects ; Architecture49
1059 - KSA Group Architecture
1060 - Kaamil Allah Baksh
1061 - Karel & Karen Jonker, Owner ; BC Passive House
1062 - Kariouk Architects
1063 - Kasian Architecture
1064 - Kasian Architecture ; Allied Works Architecture
1065 - Kasian Architecture and Interior Design ; Stantec Consulting
1066 - Kate Bowman, intern
1067 - Katherine French, Intern Architect
1068 - Kearns Mancini Architects
1069 - Kearns Mancini Architects ; Gow Hastings Architects
1070 - Kearns Mancini Architects ; Patkau Architects ; Janet Rosenburg & Studio ; RJC Engineers
1071 - Keith L. Graham Architect
1072 - Keith Loffler McAlpine Architects ; ZAS Architects+Interiors
1073 - Kelly Buffey & April Wong, students
1074 - Ken Lum
1075 - Ken Lum ; Dennis Fanti ; Yvonne Lam ; Ivan Ilic
1076 - Kenaidan Contracting Ltd.
1077 - Kengo Kuma & Associates
1078 - Kevin James, Dalhousie University
1079 - Kieran Timberlake
1080 - Kiewit Engineering Group
1081 - Kilborn Engineering ; Chief Architect H.J. Scheel
1082 - Killick Metz Bowen Rose
1083 - Kinan Khatib of McGill University
1084 - Kindrachuk Agrey Architecture
1085 - Kindrachuk Agrey Architecture ; Robb Kullman Engineer ; WSP Engineering ; Argyle Design
1086 - Kirkor Architects + Planners
1087 - Kirksey Architecture
1088 - Kitselas First Nation ; Meraki Community Planning
1089 - Klein & Sears Architects
1090 - Kleinfeldt Mychajlowycz Architects
1091 - Klypak Rusick Architects
1092 - Kobayashi + Zedda Architects
1093 - Kobayashi Maki Design Workshop
1094 - Kohki Hiranuma Architect & Associates
1095 - Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates ; Sweeny Sterling Finlayson & Co Architects
1096 - Kohn Shnier Architects
1097 - Kohn Shnier Architects ; Blackwell Structural Engineers ; JSW + Associates ; Micah Lexier
1098 - Kohn Shnier Architects ; ERA Architects
1099 - Koliger Schmidt architect, engineer
1100 - Kongats Architects
1101 - Kreate Architecture and Design
1102 - Kuehn Malvezzi ; Pelletier de Fontenay ; Jodoin Lamarre Pratte architectes
1103 - Kuehn Malvezzi ; Pelletier de Fontenay ; Jodoin Lamarre Pratte architectes ; Atelier le Balto
1104 - Kuwabara Payne McKenna Blumberg Architects
1105 - Kuwabara Payne McKenna Blumberg Architects ; Goldsmith Borgal & Company Architects
1106 - Kuwabara Payne McKenna Blumberg Architects ; Smith Carter Architects & Engineers
1107 - Kuwabara Payne McKenna Blumberg Architects ; Smith Carter Architects & Engineers ; Prairie Architects
1108 - L'architecte Jacques Plante ; Les architectes Bernard et Cloutier
1109 - L'atelier Poirier Dépatie, architectes ; Pierre Leclerc, architectes
1110 - L'atelier urbain ; Municipalité de Petite-Rivière-Saint-François
1111 - L. McComber – architecture vivante
1112 - LAMAS Architecture Ltd.
1113 - LANDinc
1114 - LANDinc ; Christopher Wallace Design Consultant ; West 8 ; Blackwell Structural Engineers ; Commonwealth Historic Resource Management
1115 - LAT49 Architecture Inc.
1116 - LEES + Associates Landscaping Architect
1117 - LEMAYMICHAUD Architecture Design
1118 - LEVER Architecture
1119 - LEVER Architecture Studio O+A
1120 - LGA Architectural Partners
1121 - LGA Architectural Partners ; Phillip H. Carter Architect + Urban Planning
1122 - LGA Architectural Partners ; Phillip H. Carter Architect + Urban Planning ; Blackwell Structural Engineers
1123 - LGA Architectural Partners Ltd.
1124 - LINE Architect
1125 - LLAMA Architecture and Urban Design
1126 - LM Architectural Group
1127 - LM Architectural Group ; Patkau Architects
1128 - LM Architectural Group and Environmental Space Planning
1129 - LMN Architects ; Musson Cattell Mackey Partnership ; LMN Architects
1130 - LOLA Architecture
1131 - LSD Interior Design
1132 - LUO studio
1133 - LWPAC Lang Wilson ; Hotson Bakker Boniface Haden
1134 - La Cité
1135 - La corporation de la cathédrale Christ Church
1136 - La fabrique de la paroisse de Saint-Cécile
1137 - La municipalité de Saint-Mathieu-de-Rioux
1138 - La municipalité de Saint-Vallier
1139 - La société d'architecture Fortin et Rousseau
1140 - Lac La Ronge Indian Band ; aodbt architecture + interior design
1141 - Lacasse Expert-Conseil ; Civiliti
1142 - Lafarge Canada
1143 - Lafarge Canada Inc.
1144 - Lafond Côté Architectes
1145 - Lake Flato Architects ; unabridged Architecture
1146 - Lakeview Community Partners Limited
1147 - Lambert & Fils ; DWA Design Studio
1148 - Lambur Scott Architects
1149 - Lamoureux Architect
1150 - Landform Architecture
1151 - Landscape Planning Limited ; ADG Architectural Design Group Inc.
1152 - Landscape Unit (LU) of Highways Department
1153 - Lanescape ; Evergreen
1154 - Lang Sterling Finlayson Architects
1155 - Lang Wilson Practice in Architecture Culture
1156 - Lapointe Magne et associés
1157 - Lapointe Magne et associés ; Aedifica
1158 - Lapointe Magne et associés ; L'ŒUF architectes ; L2C Experts-conseils
1159 - Larkin Architect
1160 - Larkin Architect ; Tacoma Engineering ; ERA Architects
1161 - Laroche Architecte
1162 - Larocque Elder Architects
1163 - Larose, Petrucci et associés, architectes ; Kahn Pedersen Fox, Architects
1164 - Larry McFarland Architects
1165 - Lat49 Architecture
1166 - Lateral Office ; CS Design
1167 - Lateral Office ; Verne Reimer Architecture
1168 - Latéral Conseil ; Saucier+Perrotte architectes
1169 - Le Groupe Arcop
1170 - Le Groupe Arcop ; Provencher_Roy
1171 - Le Groupe Lestage ; Gauthier Guité Daoust architectes
1172 - Le consortium Beaupré Michaud Dupuis LeTourneux architectes
1173 - Le consortium MUSE constitué de l'architecte Jacques Plante ; Les architectes Bernard et Cloutier ; St Gelais Montmigny et associés ; Rose-Marie E. Goulet, artiste en arts visuels œuvre: Cantate ; Florent Cousineau, artiste multidsciplinaire, œuvre: Le filrouge
1174 - LeMoyne Lapointe Magne, architectes et urbanistes
1175 - LeMoyne Lapointe Magne, architectes et urbanistes ; Jodoin Lamarre Pratte architectes
1176 - LeMoyne Lapointe Magne, architectes et urbanistes ; Massicotte, Dignard, architectes
1177 - LeMoyne et associés
1178 - Lebel & Bouliane
1179 - Leckie Studio
1180 - Leckie Studio Architecture + Design ; Chalten Engineering Ltd. ; Hugh Tuttle Engineering Ltd.
1181 - Leckie Studio Architecture + Design Inc.
1182 - Leckie Studio Architecture + Design Inc. ; Gaile Guevara Studio Ltd.
1183 - Leclerc Architectes
1184 - Leers Weinzapfel Associates
1185 - Leers Weinzapfel Associates ; modus studio ; Mackey Mitchell Architects ; OLIN
1186 - Leland Dadson, Architect
1187 - Lemay
1188 - Lemay ; Angela Silver ; SNC Lavalin
1189 - Lemay ; Ardoises Architecture
1190 - Lemay ; Atelier 21
1191 - Lemay ; CHA Architecture ; Jodoin Lamarre Pratte architectes
1192 - Lemay ; CIMA+
1193 - Lemay ; LemayLAB
1194 - Lemay ; Provencher_Roy ; Humà Design Architecture
1195 - Lemay Côté Architectes
1196 - Lemay Côté architectes
1197 - Leo Mieles, Architect
1198 - Les Architectes Odette Roy et Isabelle Jacques
1199 - Les Constructions de Mausolées Carrier inc
1200 - Les Petites Franciscaines de Marie de Baie-Saint-Paul
1201 - Les Ursulines de l'Union canadienne
1202 - Les architectes Boudrias, Boudreau, St-Jean et associés
1203 - Les architectes Boutros et Pratte
1204 - Les architectes Desnoyers Mercure & associés
1205 - Les architectes Duchesneau & McComber
1206 - Les architectes FABG
1207 - Les architectes FABG ; Atelier Zébulon Perron
1208 - Les architectes Gagnier & Gagnier
1209 - Les architectes Goulet et Lebel
1210 - Les architectes Goulet et Lebel ; Groupe Architecture MB
1211 - Les architectes Jacques et Gervais
1212 - Les architectes Lapointe, Voyer, Lemay et associés
1213 - Les architectes Lemay et associés
1214 - Les architectes Lemay et associés ; LeMoyne Lapointe Magne, architectes et urbanistes
1215 - Les architectes Lemay et associés ; WZMH Architects
1216 - Les architectes Plante et Julien
1217 - Les architectes Tétreault Parent Languedoc et associés
1218 - Les architectes Tétreault Parent Languedoc et associés ; Jodoin Lamarre Pratte architectes
1219 - Les architectes Tétreault Parent Languedoc et associés ; Les architectes FABG
1220 - Les architectes du Pavillon des Sciences
1221 - Leslie J. Stechesen Architects
1222 - Lett/Smith Architects
1223 - Levitt Goodman Architects
1224 - Li Architect
1225 - Li Architects
1226 - Li Xiaodong
1227 - Liana Bresler, Student
1228 - Liane Veness, Architect
1229 - Lighthouse Studios
1230 - Lily Jeon and Diana Koncan
1231 - Liming Rao, Intern Architect
1232 - Lintack Architects
1233 - Lisa Hirmer, student
1234 - Lloyd R McLean Architect ; Russell and Russell Design Studios
1235 - Local Practice Architecture + Design
1236 - Local Practice Architecture + Design Ltd.
1237 - London and Middlesex Heritage Museum (Fanshawe Pioneer Village) ; London Black History Coordinating Committee ; Congress of Black Women of Canada (London Chapter) ; The Chapel Committee
1238 - Longpré, Marchand, architectes
1239 - Lorinc Vass
1240 - Lorne Haverly Architect
1241 - Louis-Paul Lemieux, architecte ; Gilles Chagnon, architecte
1242 - Louis­Paul Lemieux, architecte ; Gilles Chagnon, architecte
1243 - Loukas Yiacouvakis et Marie-Claude Hamelin, architectes
1244 - Low Hammond Rowe Architects
1245 - Lubor Trubka Architects
1246 - Luc Desmarchais Architecte ; CLA Experts Conseils
1247 - Luc Jean-Paul Bouliane, University of Waterloo student
1248 - Luca Fortin ; Latéral
1249 - Lucie Paquet ; Leclerc Architectes
1250 - Ludwig Mies van der Rohe ; Bregman + Hamann Architects ; John B. Parkin Associates
1251 - Lukasz Kos, University of Toronto
1252 - Luminaires Celebration Team
1253 - Lydon Lynch Architects
1254 - Lydon Lynch Architects ; Diamond Schmitt Architects
1255 - Lydon Lynch Architects ; Thomas Payne Architects
1256 - Lyndon L. Steinmetz Design
1257 - L’Atelier Poirier Dépatie, architectes
1258 - L’OEUF architectes
1259 - L’atelier urbain ; HUMÀ Design + Architecture ; Arrondissement Ahuntsic-Cartierville (Ville de Montréal)
1260 - L’atelier urbain ; Ville de Longueuil ; MandaWorks ; STGM architectes
1261 - L’atelier urbain ; Ville de Saint-Eustache
1262 - M. David Blakely Architect
1264 - MASS Design Group
1265 - MBAC
1266 - MCMP Architects
1267 - MDA architectes
1268 - MGA | Michael Green Architecture
1269 - MGA | Michael Green Architecture ; DLR Group
1270 - MJMA
1271 - MJMA ; ERA Architects
1272 - MJMA ; PMA Landscape Architects Ltd. ; Blackwell Structural Engineers
1273 - MJMA ; RAAI
1274 - MJMA ; Raimondo+Associates
1275 - MJMA Architects
1276 - MJMA Architects ; Acton Ostry Architects
1277 - MJMA Architects ; Blackwell Structural Engineers ; PMA Landscape Architects Ltd.
1278 - MJMA Architects ; Stantec Architecture
1279 - MJMA Architecture & Design
1280 - MJMA Architecture & Design ; Raimondo + Associates Architects
1281 - MJMA RAAI
1282 - MMC Architects ; LemayMichaud ; DTAH
1283 - MMM Group
1284 - MMMC Architects
1285 - MMMC Architects ; Tacoma Engineers
1286 - MMP Architects
1287 - MOTIV Architects Inc.
1288 - MRC de la Rivière-du-Nord ; Groupe Malo
1289 - MX-SI architectural studio ; Huttunen - Lipasti-Pakkanen Architects
1290 - MacFawn and Rogers Architects
1291 - MacKay-Lyons Sweetaple Architects
1292 - MacKay-Lyons Sweetapple Architects
1293 - MacKay-Lyons Sweetapple Architects ; N46 Architecture
1294 - MacKay-Lyons Sweetapple Architects FBM
1295 - MacKay-Lyons Sweetapple Architects Ltd.
1296 - MacLennan Jaunkalns Miller Architects
1297 - MacLennan Jaunkalns Miller Architects ; Acton Ostry Architects
1298 - MacLennan Jaunkalns Miller Architects ; David S. McRobie Architects
1299 - MacLennan Jaunkalns Miller Architects ; Fowler Bauld & Mitchell
1300 - MacLennan Jaunkalns Miller Architects ; HIP Architects
1301 - MacLennan Jaunkalns Miller Architects ; KPMB Architects
1302 - MacLennan Jaunkalns Miller Architects ; Stantec Architecture
1303 - MacLennan Jaunkalns Miller Architects ; ZAS Architects+Interiors
1304 - MacLennan Jaunkalns Miller Architects, Ltd. (MJMA)
1305 - MacLennan Jaunkalns Miller Architects, Ltd. ; Raimondo + Associates Architects Inc.
1306 - MacPherson Engineering
1307 - Macdonald Zuberec Ensslen Architects
1308 - Macdonald and Lawrence Timber Framing
1309 - Mackin Architects
1310 - Mackin Architects Ltd.
1311 - Mackin Tanaka Architecture
1312 - Madalina Neagu, Intern Architect ; Ramunas Wierzbicki
1313 - Madison Appleby, Agata Mrowzowski
1314 - Mahlum Architects
1315 - Mainstudio
1316 - Maki and Associates ; Moriyama & Teshima Architects
1317 - Malhotra Nicholson Sheffield Architects
1318 - Maltby and Prins Architects
1319 - Manasc Isaac Architects
1320 - Manon Asselin architecte ; Jodoin Lamarre Pratte architectes
1321 - Marani Rounthwaite & Dick
1322 - Marc Blouin Architecte
1323 - Marc Boutin Architect
1324 - Marc Boutin Architect ; Deron Miller
1325 - Marc Boutin Architect ; ID8 Design Group
1326 - Marc Koehler Architects
1327 - Marceau Evans Johnson Architects
1328 - Marcin L. Sztaba
1329 - Marcy Wong Donn Logan Architects PLAD Peter Logan Architecture and Design
1330 - Margaret McBurney writing, research and advocacy
1331 - Margen-Lab
1332 - Margulis Moormann Architects
1333 - Mariangela Piccione, student
1334 - Marianne Gaudreault-Charbonneau, Université Laval
1335 - Marie-Gil Blanchette, Université McGill
1336 - Marie-Hélène Nollet architecte
1337 - Mario Cucinella Architects
1338 - Mario Petrone, architecte
1339 - Mario V. Petrone, Petrone Architects
1340 - Mark / Musselman / Mcintyre / Combe
1341 - Mark Baechler, Carleton University
1342 - Mark Koropecky
1343 - Mark Melnichuk, McGill University
1344 - Marken Projects
1345 - Marklevitz, Architect ; Davidson-Langley Architects
1346 - Marko Simcic Architect
1347 - Markson Borooah Hodgson Architects
1348 - Marlon Blackwell Architects
1349 - Marosi+Troy architectes ; Jodoin Lamarre Pratte architectes
1350 - Marosi+Troy architectes ; Jodoin Lamarre Pratte architectes ; Labbé architecte
1351 - Marshall Fisher Architects
1352 - Marshall Tittemore Architects
1353 - MartensGroup Licensed Interior Design Studio
1354 - Martin Côté of Universit Laval
1355 - Martin Lewis, Christopher MacDoN/Ald, Doug Paterson, Moura Quayle and Michael Isaacson
1356 - Martin Liefhebber & Goodrum Knowles
1357 - Martin Simmons Architects ; Stephenson Engineering
1358 - Martin Troy, architecte
1359 - Mary Pocock & ARK
1360 - Massey & Flanders
1361 - Mathers & Haldenby Moffat Kinoshita Associates
1362 - Mathieu Létourneau-Gagnon (Université Laval)
1363 - Matsui Baer Vanstone Freeman Architects
1364 - Matsuzaki Wrigh Architects
1365 - Matthew Dlugosz
1366 - Matthew Gri in-Allwood, Dalhousie University
1367 - Matthew Soules Architecture
1368 - Maureen Kwong, University of British Columbia
1369 - Maurice Boutin, André Ramoisy, architectes
1370 - Maurice Soulodre Architect
1371 - Mavrik Home Builders Ltd.
1372 - Maxime Pion, Université de Montréal
1373 - Maxime-Alexis Frappier, Université de Montréal
1374 - Maya Janikowski, student
1375 - McCallumSather
1376 - McCallumSather ; Electric City Developments
1377 - McCarter, Nairne & Partners
1378 - McCormick Rankin
1379 - McDowell & Associates
1380 - McElhanney Ltd.
1381 - McFarland Marceau Architects
1382 - McFarlane Green Architecture + Design
1383 - McGill University, Minimum Cost Housing/Hackathon Group
1384 - McGinn Architecture
1385 - McKinley Burkart Architects
1386 - McKinley Studios ; Nam Dang-Mitchell Design Inc.
1387 - McLean & Associates Architects
1388 - Measured Architecture
1389 - Meiklejohn Architects Inc.
1390 - Melody Taghi-Poor, Intern architect
1391 - Menkes Developments
1392 - Menkès Shooner Dagenais LeTourneux architectes
1393 - Menkès Shooner Dagenais LeTourneux architectes ; Lemay ; NFOE Architectes
1394 - Menkès Shooner Dagenais LeTourneux architectes ; Provencher_Roy
1395 - Menkès Shooner Dagenais LeTourneux architectes ; SDK et associés
1396 - Merchant Chomik Architects
1397 - Mercier Pfalzgraf Architectes
1398 - Mercier, Boyer-Mercier, architectes
1399 - Merrick Architecture
1400 - Michael Amantea, Intern Architect
1401 - Michael Carroll, Technical University of Nova Scotia School of Architecture
1402 - Michael Conway, Architect
1403 - Michael E. Lundholm Architect
1404 - Michael Green Architecture
1405 - Michael Napier Architecture
1406 - Michael P. LightbodySchool of Architecture University of British Columbia
1407 - Michael Starr
1408 - Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates Inc.
1409 - Michael Zabinski, Designer
1410 - Micheal Barton, University of British Columbia
1411 - Michel Dallaire et associés, architectes
1412 - Michelle Van Eyk, Intern Architect
1413 - Microclimat Architecture
1414 - Miika Karpyshin, University of Manitoba
1415 - Mille Lieux, coopérative de travail
1416 - Miller Northern Precast
1417 - Mills & Wright Landscape Architecture ; Lydia M. Lewycky Planning Design ; Town of Cow Head
1418 - Minarik Architecture
1419 - Ministry of Transportation
1420 - Miranda Wong, University of Waterloo School of Architecture
1421 - Missing Data
1422 - Mitchell Jensen Architects
1423 - Modern Niagara
1424 - Modern Office of Design + Architecture
1425 - Modern Office of Design + Architecture (MODA)
1426 - Modern Office of Design + Architecture ; Henry Tsang Architect
1427 - Moffat Kinoshita Architects
1428 - Moffat Kinoshita Architects ; Reich + Petch Architects
1429 - Moffat Kinoshita Associates ; Mathers & Haldenby Incorporated Architects
1430 - Moffat Kinoshita Associates Architects ; J. Michael Kirland, Architect
1431 - Monteyne Architecture Works
1432 - Montgomery Sisam Architects
1433 - Montgomery Sisam Architects ; Delcan Corporation ; Ferris + Quinn Associates ; Environmental Artworks Studio
1434 - Montgomery Sisam Architects ; Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios ; NAK Design Strategies ; RJC Engineers
1435 - Montgomery Sisam Architects ; Kuwabara Payne McKenna Blumberg Architects
1436 - Montgomery Sisam Architects ; Nine Yards Studio
1437 - Montgomery Sisam Architects ; Stantec Architecture
1438 - Montgomery Sisam Architects ; Wyllie and Ufnal Consulting Engineers
1439 - Monty Architecte
1440 - Moore Paterson Architects
1441 - Moriyama & Teshima Architects
1442 - Moriyama & Teshima Architects ; Acton Ostry Architects
1443 - Moriyama & Teshima Architects ; Charles Correa Associates
1444 - Moriyama & Teshima Architects ; Griffith Rankin Cook Architects
1445 - Moriyama & Teshima Architects ; Intra Architect
1446 - Moriyama & Teshima Architects ; Kasian Architecture
1447 - Moriyama & Teshima Architects ; Maki and Associates
1448 - Moriyama & Teshima Architects ; Smoke Architecture
1449 - Moriyama & Teshima Architects ; The Walter Fedy Partnership
1450 - Moriyama & Teshima Architects ; Townend, Stefura, Baleshta & Nicholls Architects
1451 - Moriyama Teshima Architects ; Bélanger Salach Architecture
1452 - Morphosis
1453 - Morphosis ; Teeple Architects
1454 - Morrison Hershfield
1455 - Moshe Safdie
1456 - Moshe Safdie ; Belzile Brassard Gallienne Lavoie architectes ; Sungur Incesulu ; Les architectes Desnoyers Mercure & associés
1457 - Moshe Safdie ; David, Barott, Boulva, Associated Architects
1458 - Moshe Safdie ; Les architectes Desnoyers Mercure & associés ; Lemay Leclerc, architectes
1459 - Mudtown Station Inc. ; City of Owen Sound
1460 - Mujosh design ; Studio Yimu ; designer Zoe Lee
1461 - Municipalité de Lac Simon
1462 - Municipalité de Saint-Alexandre-de-Kamouraska ; Larochelle Desmeules Architectes
1463 - Municipalité de Saint-Cyprien
1464 - Municipalité de Saint-Stanislas
1465 - Municipalité de Saint-Élie-de-Caxton ; Agence Spatiale
1466 - Municipalité de Yamaska
1467 - Municipalité de Saint-Germain-de-Grantham ; Faucher Gauthier architectes
1468 - Murdoch & Company Architecture + Planning
1469 - Murdoch + Company Ltd.
1470 - Murdock & Boyd Architects
1471 - Murray Croteau Architect
1472 - Murray and Murray
1473 - Musson Cattel & Partners
1474 - Musson Cattel & Partners ; Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates
1475 - Musson Cattel Mackey Partnership
1476 - Mélissa Duperron, Frédéric Quirion et Camille Robichaud Fortin (Université Laval)
1477 - Ménard Dworkind architecture & design
1478 - N/A
1479 - N45 Architecture
1480 - N45 Architecture ; Snøhetta
1481 - NADAA ; ERA Architects
1482 - NADAAA ; PUBLIC WORK ; The Mitchell Partnership Inc. ; Entuitive ; A.M. Candaras Associates Inc. ; ERA Architects ; Adamson Associates Architects
1483 - NAK Design Strategies ; Artscape
1484 - NEUF architect(e)s
1485 - NEUF architect(e)s ; DPHV consultants
1486 - NEUF architect(e)s ; KANVA Architecture
1487 - NFOE Inc.
1488 - NFOE Inc. ; Menkès Shooner Dagenais LeTourneux architectes ; SDK et associés
1489 - NIPPAYSAGE architectes paysagistes
1490 - NIPPAYSAGE architectes paysagistes ; EXP. architecture de paysage et ingénierie
1491 - NOMADE architecture
1492 - NORR Architects & Engineers ; WalterFedy
1493 - NORR Architects & Engineers Ltd. ; Renzo Piano Building Workshop S.A.S.
1494 - NORR Architects and Engineers
1495 - NORR Architects and Engineers ; EVOQ Architecture
1496 - NORR Architects and Engineers ; MTBA Associates
1497 - NSDA Architects
1498 - NVision Insight Group
1499 - NVision Insight Group ; Wendy Shearer Cultural Heritage Specialist
1500 - Nadejda Topouzanov architecte ; Vladimir Topouzanov architecte
1501 - Naomi Julien, McGill University
1502 - Natale Scott Browne, Architects
1503 - Natale and Scott Architects
1504 - Natalie Cheng, Natalie Cheng Studio
1505 - Natalie Dionne Architecture
1506 - Nathan Whitford / Urban Visuals
1507 - Neale Staniszkis Doll Adams Architects
1508 - Neeraj Bhatia, University of Waterloo
1509 - Negar Jazbi, Przemek Latoszek & Farzam Mohajer, student team
1510 - Neil Cooper Architect
1511 - Nelson Architecture
1512 - Nelson Byrd Woltz Landscape Architects
1513 - Nelson Kwong Architect
1514 - Neumann Monson Architects
1515 - Next Architecture
1516 - Nicholas Fudge Architects
1517 - Nicolas Dahan Architects
1518 - Nigel Baldwin Architects
1519 - Niiwin Wendaanimok Partnership ; Narratives ; Ministry of Transportation Ontario
1520 - Nine Yards Studio
1521 - Nip Paysage Provencher_Roy
1522 - Nippaysage, architectes paysagistes
1523 - No.10 Architectural Group
1524 - Noel Hancock & Don Vetere
1525 - Norda Stelo Inc.
1526 - Nordais Architecture
1527 - Nordais Architecture Inc.
1528 - Nordic Structures Bois et Stavibel
1529 - Norman Grey-Noble/Thomas Moore Architects
1530 - Norman Hotson Architects
1531 - Nova Tayona
1532 - Number TEN Architectural Group
1533 - Number TEN Architectural Group ; Ager Little Architects
1534 - Number TEN Architectural Group ; Diamond Schmitt Architects Inc.
1535 - Number TEN Architectural Group ; LM Architectural Group ; LMN Architects
1536 - Nyhoff Architecture
1537 - NÓS
1538 - O2 Planning and Design
1539 - O2 Planning+Design
1540 - O2 Planning+Design ; Source 2 Source ; AECOM ; Sans façon
1541 - OBNL Rang 1 - Direction (Estrie)
1542 - OCAD Design Team
1543 - OMA ; Provencher_Roy
1544 - OMC Landscape Architecture
1545 - ONE SEED Architecture + Interiors
1546 - ONPA Architects
1547 - OOPEAA Office for Peripheral Architecture
1548 - ORTRAUM architects
1549 - Odami
1550 - Odile Lamy, McGill University
1551 - Office Ou
1552 - Office of McFarlane Biggar Architects & Designers Inc.
1553 - Office of McFarlane Biggar Architects & Designers Inc. ; Checkwitch Poiron Architects
1554 - Ogilvie and Hogg ; Les architectes Desnoyers Mercure & associés ; Spencer R. Higgins, Lundholm Associates
1555 - Oleson Worland Architects
1556 - Oliver Geddes ; The Fifth Group
1557 - Olivia Ahn, University of Toronto student
1558 - Omar Gandhi Architect
1559 - Omar Gandhi Architect ; Design Base 8
1560 - Omar Gandhi Architects
1561 - Omer Arbel for Bocci
1562 - Omicron Architecture Engineering Construction ; architects–Alliance
1563 - Ontario Ministry of Environment + Conservation and Parks
1564 - Open Architects
1565 - Open Practice Inc.
1566 - Opsis Architecture ; Hastings+Chivetta
1567 - Orchard Design Studio ; GB Architect
1568 - Organisme Espaces d’initiatives
1569 - Ottawa Salus Corporation ; CSV Architects
1570 - Otto Bryden Architects
1571 - Outside! Planning & Design Studio
1572 - Oxbow Architecture
1573 - Oxbow Architecture ; Richard Kroeker
1574 - Oxford Properties Group ; WZMH Architects
1575 - P3 Architecture Partnership
1576 - P3 Architecture Partnership ; Alfa Engineering ; Crosby Hanna & Associates ; JC Kenyon Engineering ; MacPherson Engineering
1577 - P3Architecture Partnership
1578 - PAAS ; MKBstudio
1579 - PARTISANS Architects
1580 - PARTISANS Architects ; Blackwell Structural Engineers ; Charcoalblue
1581 - PECHET Studio
1582 - PFS Studio
1583 - PFS Studio ; thinc design ; Hariri Pontarini Architects ; Blackwell Structural Engineers
1585 - PJB Engineering
1586 - PLANT Architects
1587 - PLANT Architects ; Blackwell Structural Engineers
1588 - PLANT Architects ; Perkins+Will
1589 - PLANT Architects ; Perkins+Will ; Hoerr Schaudt Landscape Architecture ; Adrian Blackwell Urban Projects
1590 - PLANT Architects ; Teeple Architects ; Shore Tilbe Irwin & Partners Architects ; Peter Lindsay Schaudt Landscape Architecture ; Adrian Blackwell Urban Projects 
1591 - PMA Landscape Architects Ltd. ; uoai ; Scott Eunson ; DPM Energy
1592 - PROJET 1606
1593 - PSPC ; DIALOG
1594 - PUBLIC Architecture + Communication
1595 - PUBLIC WORK ; Gehl ; Sam Schwartz Engineering
1596 - PUBLIC WORK office for urban design & landscape architecture
1597 - PUBLIC WORK office for urban design & landscape architecture ; City of Toronto
1598 - PUBLIC: Architecture + Communication
1599 - PWL Partnership Landscape Architects Inc. ; Mithun
1600 - Padolsky, Kuwabara, Gagnon Joint Venture Architects (PKG) ; Barry Padolsky Associates ; Kuwabara Payne McKenna Blumberg Architects ; Gagnon, Letellier, Cyr, Ricard, Mathieu architectes
1601 - Page & Steele ; John Andrews Associated Architects
1602 - Page + Steele/IBI Group ; Champalinaud Design ; Jacobs Engineering Group ; Corban & Goode
1603 - Page + Steele/IBI Group ; NAK Design Strategies
1604 - Papineau/Gerin Lajoie/Le Blanc/Edwards
1605 - Parc municipalité de Canton de Gore ; Cour à bois ; Ultimateck
1606 - Parcs Canada
1607 - Parkin Partnership Architects Planners
1608 - Parsons
1609 - Parsons ; AECOM
1610 - Parsons Engineering
1611 - Partenariat du Quartier des spectacles
1612 - Patkau Architects
1613 - Patkau Architects ; Boelling Smith Design
1614 - Patkau Architects ; Brook McIlroy
1615 - Patkau Architects ; Croft Pelletier architectes ; Menkès Shooner Dagenais LeTourneux architectes
1616 - Patkau Architects ; Group2 Architecture Interior Design
1617 - Patkau Architects ; Kearns Mancini Architects
1618 - Patkau Architects ; LM Architectural Group
1619 - Patkau Architects ; MJMA Architects
1620 - Patkau Architects ; MJMA Architects ; Blackwell Structural Engineers ; PLANT Architects
1621 - Patkau Architects ; MacLennan Jaunkalns Miller Architects
1622 - Patriarche
1623 - Patson MGM Architectural Services
1624 - Paul Bernier
1625 - Paul Dowling, Architect
1626 - Paul Kernan Architect
1627 - Paul Laurendeau, architecte
1628 - Paul Laurendeau, architecte ; Beauchesne Architecture Design
1629 - Paul Laurendeau, architecte ; François Beauchesne, architecte ; Stantec ; DPHV
1630 - Paul Laurendeau, architecte ; François R. Beauchesne
1631 - Paul Laurendeau, architecte ; Jodoin Lamarre Pratte architectes
1632 - Paul Merrick Architects ; Chandler Kennedy Architectural Group
1633 - Paul Raff Studio
1634 - Paul Raff Studio ; Jyhling Lee, architect
1635 - Paul Raff Studio ; Blackwell Structural Engineers
1636 - Paul Raff Studio ; Sasquatch Design
1637 - Paul Reuber Architect
1638 - Pearl, Poddubiuk, architectes
1639 - Pelletier de Fontenay
1640 - Pelletier de Fontenay ; Kuehn Malvezzi ; Jodoin Lamarre Pratte architectes
1641 - Pelletier de Fontenay ; Leclerc Architectes
1642 - Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects
1643 - Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects ; FOX Architects
1644 - Penner Prins Architects
1645 - Peris+Toral Arquitectes
1646 - Perkins & Will
1647 - Perkins Macdonald Bellprat ; John Perkins Associates
1648 - Perkins&Will
1649 - Perkins&Will ; Fleisher Ridout Partnership
1650 - Perkins+Will
1651 - Perkins+Will ; Cornerstone Architecture
1652 - Perkins+Will ; DTAH ; The HIDI Group ; Blackwell Structural Engineers
1653 - Perkins+Will ; Fleisher Ridout Partnership
1654 - Perkins+Will ; PFS Studio
1655 - Perkins+Will ; Smoke Architecture
1656 - Perkins+Will ; schmidt hammer lassen architects
1657 - Peter Blackie
1658 - Peter Braithwaite Studio
1659 - Peter Cardew Architects
1660 - Peter Cardew Architects ; Nigel Baldwin Architects ; Trevor Owen Architects
1661 - Peter Cardew Architects ; RIA Architects
1662 - Peter Hamilton Architects
1663 - Peter Hemingway
1664 - Peter Jacobs et Philippe Poullaouec-Gonidec, architectes paysagistes
1665 - Peter Kiewit Sons ULC
1666 - Peter Lanken, architecte
1667 - Peter Lawrence Wood Studio
1668 - Peter Rose Architect
1669 - Peter Rose, architecte
1670 - Peter Rose, architecte ; Fichten Soiferman et Associés
1671 - Peter Sampson Architecture Studio
1672 - Peter Sampson, Intern Architect
1673 - Peter Sampson, University of Toronto, Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design
1674 - Peter Yeadon, Intern Architect
1675 - Peterson + Habib Consultants
1676 - Philip Beesley Architect ; Baker and Elmes Architects
1677 - Philip Vandermey of the University of Calgary
1678 - Philippe Champagne (Université Laval)
1679 - Phillip H. Carter Architect + Urban Planning
1680 - Pickard Chilton Architects
1681 - Pickard Chilton Architects Inc.
1682 - Pierre André Levesque, Université Laval School of Architecture
1683 - Pierre Morency architecture
1684 - Pierre Richard architecte
1685 - Pierre Thibault architecte
1686 - Pierre-Olivier Demeule
1687 - Plassurban + BC Housing
1688 - Pluritec
1689 - Poirier, Dépatie, architectes
1690 - Post Architecture
1691 - Prack Partners
1692 - Prairie Architects
1693 - Prairie Architects Inc.
1694 - Pre-Con Builders
1695 - Preston Stronach
1696 - Prithula Prosun, University of Waterloo
1697 - Progesys
1698 - Project Planning Associates
1699 - Projet Paysage
1700 - Proscenium Architecture + Interiors
1701 - Proscenium Architecture + Interiors ; Aedifica
1702 - Proscenium Architecture + Interiors ; Teeple Architects
1703 - Proscenium Architecture + Interiors ; Teeple Architects
1704 - Provencher Roy et Associés ; OMA ; AtkinsRéalis
1705 - Provencher_Roy
1706 - Provencher_Roy ; GLCRM Architectes
1707 - Provencher_Roy ; GLCRM Architects
1708 - Provencher_Roy ; Les architectes Desnoyers Mercure & associés ; Menkès Shooer Dagenais architectes
1709 - Provencher_Roy ; Menkès Shooner Dagenais LeTourneux architectes
1710 - Public City Architecture
1711 - Public City Architecture ; Entuitive
1712 - Public City Architecture Inc.
1713 - Qiwei Song (University of Toronto)
1714 - Qiwei Song (University of Toronto) ; Meikang Li ; Chaoyi Cui
1715 - Quadrangle Architects
1716 - Quinzhee architecture ; Atelier mock/up
1717 - R.E. Hulbert and Partners
1718 - R.V. Anderson
1719 - R.V. Anderson Associates Limited
1720 - R.W. Tomlinson Ltd.
1721 - RAW Architects
1722 - RAW Architects ; PMA Landscape Architects
1723 - RAW Design ; G+C Architects ; Strybos Barron King ; Jablonsky, Ast and Partners
1724 - RBM Architecture
1725 - RDH Architects
1726 - RDH Architects ; Shoalts & Zaback Architects
1727 - RDH Building Science
1728 - RDHA
1729 - RDHA Architects
1730 - RH Architects
1731 - RHAD Architect
1732 - RHAD Architects
1733 - RHIZOME
1734 - RJC Engineers
1735 - RKH Architecture
1736 - ROAD Architecture ; Zach Pauls
1737 - RPS Consulting Engineers
1738 - RUFproject
1739 - RVTR ; Team North
1740 - RWA Group Architecture Ltd.
1741 - Raimondo+Associates
1742 - Ramsay Worden Architects
1743 - Randall Stout Architects ; HIP ARCHITECT
1744 - Randall Stout Architects ; HIP Architects
1745 - Randy Wilson Architect
1746 - Raphaël Bouchard (Université Laval)
1747 - Rayleen Hill Architecture + Design
1748 - Raymond Chow, Carleton University student
1749 - Raymond Chow, Intern Architect
1750 - Raymond Moriyama
1751 - Raymond S C Wan Architect
1752 - Raymond SC Wan Architects ; Crosier Kilgour & Partners Ltd.
1753 - Rayni Kovacs ; HSS Design Build
1754 - Rayside Labossière architectes
1755 - Rayside Labossière architectes ; CPF Groupe Conseil
1756 - Read Jones Christoffersen
1757 - Reasonable Projects
1758 - Red Leaf Group; Lamoureux Architect Inc
1759 - Regroupement des archives du Séminaire de Sherbrooke et de l’Archidiocèse de Sherbrooke
1760 - Reign Architects
1761 - Reimagine Architects
1762 - René Menkès ; Saucier+Perrotte architectes
1763 - Renée Daoust, FIRAC, Réal Lestage
1764 - Revery Architecture
1765 - Reza Aliabadi [rzlbd]
1766 - Reza Aliabadi, intern
1767 - Réal Paul architecte
1768 - Rhone & Iredale
1769 - Richard Goulet, architecte ; André Roy, architecte
1770 - Richard Henriquez Architect
1771 - Richard Henriquez Architect ; Laszlo Nemeth Associates Architects
1772 - Richard Limmert Architect
1773 - Richard Lindseth Architecture
1774 - Richard Wengle Architect
1775 - Richard Williams Architects
1776 - Richard de la Riva, architecte
1777 - Richards Consulting & Associates
1778 - Rick Galezowski, Intern architect
1779 - Riki Nishimura, Graduate Architect, University of Toronto
1780 - Robbie Sane Architects
1781 - Robert Burgers Architect
1782 - Robert Davies Architect
1783 - Robert F. Harrison & Associates
1784 - Robert Hutchison Architecture
1785 - Robert J Dyck Architect & Engineer
1786 - Robert Lavoie (Université Laval)
1787 - Robert Ledoux Architecte
1788 - Robert Mellin Architect
1789 - Robert Satre
1790 - Robertson Martin Architects ; John G. Cooke and Associates ; PTAH Consultants ; Architecture49
1791 - Robertson Simmons Architects
1792 - Robinson Residential Design
1793 - Rocco Maragna
1794 - Rockliff Pierzchajlo Kroman Architects Ltd.
1795 - Rockwell Group
1796 - Rodrigue Paulin, architecte
1797 - Roger Hughes Architects
1798 - Roger Mitchell Architect
1799 - Roger du Toit Architects
1800 - Roger du Toit Associates
1801 - Ron Baird & Lynda Baird, Sculptors
1802 - Ron Boruk Architect
1803 - Ron Choe, University of Calgary
1804 - Ron Keenberg
1805 - Ron Thom ; Thompson Berwick Pratt & Partners
1806 - Ronald J. Thom, Thompson Berwick Pratt & Partners
1807 - Ronen Bauer, University of Toronto student
1808 - Root Architecture
1809 - Root Architecture Inc.
1810 - Root Architecture Ltd.
1811 - Rosalie Laflamme
1812 - Rosario Varacalli
1813 - Rose architecture
1814 - Rositch Hemphill Architects
1815 - Ross Barney Architects
1816 - Rouleau, Archambault, architectes
1817 - Rounthwaite Dick & Hadley Architects
1818 - Rounthwaite Dick & Hadley Architects ; Lett Architects
1819 - Rounthwaite Dick & Hadley Architects ; Lintack Architects
1820 - Rounthwaite Dick & Hadley Architects ; Shoalts & Zaback Architects ; ERA Architects
1821 - Rounthwaite Dick & Hadley Architects ; david premi Architects
1822 - Rubin et Rotman associés, architectes ; Saia et Barbarese, architectes
1823 - Rundquist architects
1824 - Russell Vandiver Architects
1825 - Réal Paul architecte
1826 - Réal Paul architecte ; Pierina Saia architecte
1827 - S2 Architecture
1828 - S2 Architecture ; gh3*
1829 - SAIT Green Building Technologies ; Woodpecker European Timber Framing
1830 - SALA Architects
1831 - SBTA
1832 - SDK et associés
1833 - SDK et associés ; Atelier TAG ; Jodoin Lamarre Pratte architectes
1834 - SDK et associés ; Menkès Shooner Dagenais LeTourneux architectes ; Lemay ; NFOE Architectes
1835 - SDK et associés inc.
1836 - SEPW Architecture
1837 - SHAPE Architecture
1838 - SHAPE Architecture ; Hindle Architects
1839 - SHAPE Architecture ; PECHET Studio ; Group2 Architecture Interior Design
1840 - SHDM Bureau de projet Faubourg Québec
1841 - SHEEEP Agency-Agency The Bentway Conservancy
1842 - SMV Architects ; Romanov and Romanov
1843 - SNC Lavalin
1844 - SONGER Architecture
1845 - SPECTACLE Bureau for Architecture and Urbanism
1846 - STARK Architecture Ltd.
1848 - STGM architectes
1849 - STGM architectes ; IDEA Intégration design et architecture
1850 - STGM architectes ; Éric Lirette Architecte
1851 - STUDIO tla
1852 - STUFF (Studio for Transformative Urban Forms and Fields)
1853 - SUMA Arquitectura
1854 - Saia Barbarese Topouzanov Architectes ; CIMA+ ; gbi Services d'ingénierie
1855 - Saia Barbarese Topouzanov architectes
1856 - Saia Barbarese Topouzanov architectes ; Jean-Pierre Legault, acousticien, davidson et associés
1857 - Saia Barbarese Topouzanov architectes ; Les architectes Desnoyers Mercure & associés ; Menkès Shooner Dagenais LeTourneux architectes
1858 - Saia et Barbarese, architectes
1859 - Saia et Barbarese, architectes ; Laverdière Giguêre, architectes
1860 - Saia, Barbarese, Laverdière et Giguère, architectes
1861 - Salter Pilon Architecture
1862 - Sam Wong, Graduate Architect, University of Toronto
1863 - Samuel Gendron Fortier
1864 - Sandrina Dumitrascu, student
1865 - Sankey Associates
1866 - Sankey Associates ; Blouin Architectes Associés
1867 - Santiago Calatrava
1868 - Santiago Calatrava ; Stantec Consulting
1869 - Sarah Hall
1870 - Sarah Klym, University of British Columbia
1871 - Sarah Lemieux-Montminy ; Justine Rioux ; Zachari Guay-Hébert (Université Laval)
1872 - Sargent & Associates Engineering ; Infinity Engineering Group
1873 - Saskatoon Land
1874 - Saucier+Perrotte architectes
1875 - Saucier+Perrotte architectes ; GLCRM Architectes
1876 - Saucier+Perrotte architectes ; HCMA Architecture+Design
1877 - Saucier+Perrotte architectes ; HCMA Architecture+Design ; WAA et associés
1878 - Saucier+Perrotte architectes ; Hughes Condon Marler Architects
1879 - Saucier+Perrotte architectes ; Les architectes Desnoyers Mercure & associés
1880 - Saucier+Perrotte architectes ; Les architectes Lemay et associés
1881 - Saucier+Perrotte architectes ; Marc Boutin Architect
1882 - Saucier+Perrotte architectes ; Menkès Shooner Dagenais LeTourneux architectes
1883 - Saucier+Perrotte architectes ; ZAS Architects+Interiors
1884 - Saucier+Perrotte architectes ; ZAS Architects+Interiors ; The Planning Partnership
1885 - Saucier+Perrotte architectes ; ZAS Architects+Interiors ; The Planning Partnership ; Adjeleian Allen Rubeli Limited
1886 - Sauerbruch Hutton
1887 - Saugeen First Nation ; Brook McIlroy ; Dean McLellan Stonework ; Joseph Pitawanakwat / Creators Garden ; Theatre Consultants Collaborative ; Tatham Engineering ; Runge Engineering
1888 - Saunders Evans Architects
1889 - Scatliff+Miller+Murray
1890 - Schoeler & Heaton Architects ; LeMoyne Lapointe Magne, architectes et urbanistes
1891 - Schollen & Company
1892 - Schollen & Company Inc. ; Engineering Link Incorporated
1893 - Schème consultants ; L'architecte Jacques Plante ; Jodoin Lamarre Pratte architectes
1894 - Scorpio Masonry SK
1895 - Sean McEwen
1896 - Sean Solowski, architect ; Peter Osborne, student
1897 - Sean Solowski, architect ; Steve Culver
1898 - Sebastian Irarrazaval Arquitectos
1899 - Sebastián López Cardozo and Lene-Mari Sollie (Rice University)
1900 - Secter Architecture + Design
1901 - Shayne Sa
1902 - Shifflett Engineering
1903 - Shift Architecture
1904 - Shigeru Ban Architects
1905 - Shim-Sutcliffe Architects
1906 - Shim-Sutcliffe Architects ; Blackwell Structural Engineers ; EeStairs America Inc. ; TORP Inc. ; ERA Architects
1907 - Shim-Sutcliffe Architects ; G+G Partnership
1908 - Shoalts & Zaback Architects
1909 - Shoalts & Zaback Architects ; Barry J. Hobin and Associates Architects
1910 - Shoalts & Zaback Architects ; Diamond Schmitt Architects
1911 - Shoalts & Zaback Architects ; Rebanks Pepper Littlewood Architects
1912 - Shoalts and Zaback Architects Ltd.
1913 - Shore & Moffat and Partners
1914 - Shore Tilbe Henschel Irwin Peters
1915 - Shore Tilbe Henschel Irwin Peters Architects and Engineers
1916 - Shore Tilbe Irwin & Partners Architects
1917 - Shore Tilbe Irwin & Partners Architects ; Fleisher Ridout Partnership
1918 - Shore Tilbe Irwin & Partners Architects ; Morphosis ; Teeple Architects ; Joe Somfay Architect
1919 - Shore Tilbe Irwin & Partners Architects ; Stafford Haensli Architects
1920 - Sid Lee Architecture
1921 - Signal Brewing Company
1922 - Simeon Posen, Retired Architect
1923 - Simpson Roberts Architecture Interior Design
1924 - Smith Carter Architects & Engineers
1925 - Smith Carter Architects & Engineers ; Antoine Predock Architect ; Architecture49
1926 - Smith Carter Architects & Engineers ; Parkin Architects
1927 - Smith Vigeant architectes
1928 - Smith Vigeant architectes ; BGLA
1929 - Société du parc Jean-Drapeau ; Les architectes FABG
1930 - Soft dB
1931 - Solares Architecture
1932 - Solterre Design
1933 - Son Van Huynh, student
1934 - Sophie Tétreault architecte
1935 - Sotramont ; Yelle Maillé et associés architectes
1936 - Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT) Green Building Technologies
1937 - Spadina Group Associates
1938 - Sperling + Grain Millers
1939 - Sperling Industries Ltd.
1940 - Sputnik Architecture ; The Forks Renewal Corporation
1941 - St Gelais Montmigny et associés
1942 - St. Marys CBM
1943 - Stahl et Elliott, architectes
1944 - Stanley Kwok & Romses ; Kwan & Associates
1945 - Stantec
1946 - Stantec Architecture
1947 - Stantec Architecture ; ERA Architects
1948 - Stantec Architecture ; Francl Architecture
1949 - Stantec Architecture ; KPMB Architects
1950 - Stantec Architecture ; KPMB Architects ; HDR Architecture ; Diamond Schmitt Architects
1951 - Stantec Architecture ; Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects
1952 - Stantec Architecture ; Teeple Architects
1953 - Stantec Architecture Ltd
1954 - Stark Hicks Spragge, Architects
1955 - Stark Temporale
1956 - Station One Architects
1957 - Stechesen Katz Architects
1958 - Stephen Bauer, University of Toronto
1959 - Stephen G. McLaughlin, Commissioner of Planning & Development ; Ken Greenberg, Program Manager of Urban Design Group, Department of Planning & Development
1960 - Stephens Kozak Architects ; ACI Architecture
1961 - Sterling Finlayson Architects
1962 - Steve McFarlane, FRAIC
1963 - Steven Fong Architect
1964 - Steven Hunt Design
1965 - Stevenson Raines Barret Christie Hutton Seton & Partners
1966 - Strasman Architects
1967 - Strata Development
1968 - Straub Thurmayr Landscape Architects
1969 - Straub Thurmayr Landscape Architects ; Dietmar Straub ; Anna Thurmayr
1970 - Strike Didur Associates ; Olendia Design
1971 - StructureCraft Builders
1972 - Stubbe's Precast
1973 - Students from Dalhousie University, Faculty of Architecture and Planning ; Talbot Sweetapple of MacKay-Lyons Sweetapple Architects
1974 - Students from Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Michigan
1975 - Students from the Colorado Building Workshop at the University of Colorado Denver
1976 - Studio 531 Architects
1977 - Studio 804
1978 - Studio Anva
1979 - Studio JCI
1980 - Studio Junction
1981 - Studio Libeskind ; RJC Engineers
1982 - Studio Munge
1983 - Studio North
1984 - Studio Senbel Architecture & Design
1985 - Studio Shirshekar
1986 - Studio Zhu-Pei
1987 - Studio g+G architecture
1988 - Studio-MLA
1989 - Sturgess Architecture
1990 - Sturgess Architecture ; FSC Manasc Architects
1991 - Sturgess Architecture ; Manasc Isaac Architects
1992 - Superkül
1993 - Supreme Steel
1994 - Susan Fitzgerald Architecture
1995 - Suulin Architects Inc.
1996 - Suzhou Crownhomes Co.
1997 - Suzy Melo ; Meaghan Hunter
1998 - Suzy Ouellet, Bureau d'architecture ; Service des immeubles de la Ville de Montréal
1999 - SvN Architects + Planners
2000 - SvN Architects + Planners ; E.R.A. Architects Inc.
2001 - SvN Architects + Planners ; HDR Architecture
2002 - SvN Architects + Planners ; HDR Architecture ; Archeoworks
2003 - Sweeny & Co. Architects
2004 - Sweeny & Co. Architects ; Stephenson Engineering ; NAK Design Strategies
2005 - Sweeny&Co Architects
2006 - Sweeny&Co Architects ; NAK Design Strategies
2007 - Sweeny&Co Architects ; Stephenson Engineering
2008 - Syverson Monteyne Architecture
2009 - Sébastien Labbé et Vanessa Giroux (Cégep de Lévis-Lauzon)
2010 - TKL Group Inc.
2011 - TOAD (Tony Osborn Architecture+Design)
2012 - TRAME Architecture + Paysage ; BGLA
2013 - TZC Engineering Group
2014 - Tact Architecture
2015 - Tampold & Wells
2016 - Tantramar Marshes, Canada ; Peter Yeadon, Intern Architect
2017 - Taraneh Meshkani, University of Toronto
2018 - Tawab Hlimi, Assistant Professor in Landscape Architecture at the University of Calgary
2019 - Taylor Architecture Group
2020 - Taylor Hariri Pontarini Architects
2021 - Taylor Hazell Architects
2022 - Taylor Hazell Architects ; Sarah Ferguson, Radiocapte
2023 - Taylor Hazell Architects ; architects–Alliance ; gh3*
2024 - Taylor Kurtz Architecture + Design ; Rounthwaite Dick & Hadley Architects
2025 - Taylor Smyth Architects
2026 - Taylor Smyth Architects ; GBCA Architects ; DTAH ; Blackwell Structural Engineers
2027 - Team V Architecture
2028 - Ted Rusick Architect
2029 - Ted Sheridan, University of Waterloo School of Architecture
2030 - Ted Trout Architect & Associates
2031 - Teeple Architects
2032 - Teeple Architects ; Architecture Tkalcic Bengert
2033 - Teeple Architects ; Hancock Brockner Eng ; Wright Architects
2034 - Teeple Architects ; Janet Rosenberg & Studio ; Jablonsky Ast & Partners ; EXP
2035 - Teeple Architects ; Kasian Architecture
2036 - Teeple Architects ; Kirkor Architects + Planners
2037 - Teeple Architects ; Proscenium Architecture + Interiors
2038 - Teeple Architects ; RJC Engineers
2039 - Teeple Architects ; Shore Tilbe Irwin & Partners Architects
2040 - Teeple Architects ; Ted Handy & Associates
2041 - Teke Architects Office
2042 - Temofychuk Gerbitz Architects
2043 - Terry & Terry Architecture
2044 - Tess Macpherson ; Kavita Garg
2045 - Tetra Tech
2046 - Tetra Tech ; AECOM
2047 - Tetra Tech ; GHD Consultants Ltée
2048 - Tezuka Architects
2049 - The City of Calgary ; Gehl Studio ; Stantec Architecture ; Calgary Downtown Association​​​​​​​ 
2050 - The Forks North Portage Partnership (TFNPP)
2051 - The Lakeview Community Partners
2052 - The Landscape Artist Inc
2053 - The LeBlond Partnership
2054 - The MBTW Group
2055 - The Marc Boutin Architectural Collaborative
2056 - The Marc Boutin Architectural Collaborative ; Scatliff+Miller+Murray
2057 - The Marc Boutin Architectural Collaborative ; The Portico Group
2058 - The Marc Boutin Architectural Collaborative ; el dorado
2059 - The Miller Hull Partnership
2060 - The Planning Partnership
2061 - The Planning Partnership ; Greenberg Consultants ; Citysense Urban Design
2062 - The Planning Partnership ; PFS Studio ; &Co ; ERA Architects
2063 - The Planning Partnership ; Thier+Curran Architects ; ACK Architects
2064 - The River Valley Joint Venture
2065 - The Shipp Corporation
2066 - The Thom Partnership
2067 - The UP Studio
2068 - The University of Windsor ; Government of Ontario ; City of Windsor ; ERA Architects ; CS&P Architects
2069 - The Wade Williams Partnership
2070 - The Walter Fedy Partnership
2071 - The Workun Garrick Partnership Architecture And Interior Design Inc ; Protostatix Engineering Consultants
2072 - The Workun Garrick Partnership Architecture and Interior Design
2073 - Theo Kelaiditis, Intern Architect
2074 - Thevishka Kanishkan ; Camila Campos Herrera
2075 - Thomas Brown Architects
2076 - Thomas Leung Structural Engineering
2077 - Thomas Valcourt, Karl Greschner et Philippe Bernard (Université Laval)
2078 - Thompson Berwick Pratt & Partners
2079 - Tilt Wall Ontario Inc.
2080 - Todd MacAllen, Dalhousie University
2081 - Tolchinsky et Goodz, architectes
2082 - Tom Balaban Architecte (TBA)
2083 - Toronto Art Restoration Inc.
2084 - Toronto and Region Conservation Authority
2085 - Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake ; Fleisher Ridout Partnership
2086 - Town of Wolfville ; Fathom Studios ; FoTenn ; Hatch Engineering ; CBCL
2087 - Townend Stefura & Baleshta Architects
2088 - Townend Stefura & Baleshta Architects ; Pfister Architects
2089 - Tract Consulting Inc.
2090 - Trame Groupe Conseil ; Bart, Carrier, Gauthier ; Fortier et associés
2091 - Trame architecture + Paysage
2092 - Travis Cooke, University of Manitoba
2093 - Trevore Grams
2094 - Tsuruta Architects
2095 - Turenscape
2096 - Turkel Design
2097 - Turner Fleischer ; HGS Limited Consulting Engineers
2098 - Two Row Architect
2099 - Two Row Architect ; KPMB Architects
2100 - Two Row Architect ; Teeple Architects ; Low Hammond Rowe Architects
2101 - Tyana Laroche, Université Laval
2102 - UCC Group Inc.
2103 - UHSC Architects Group ; Zeidler Roberts Partnership ; Groves Palenstein Barton Irvine ; Wood and Gardener Architects
2104 - UUFIE
2105 - UUfie
2106 - Undurraga Deves Arquitectos
2107 - Unison Architecture
2108 - Unit 7 Architecture
2109 - University of British Columbia
2110 - University of Waterloo (Markus Moos) ; University of Saskatchewan (Ryan Walker) ; University of Toronto (Tara Vinodrai)
2111 - Untertrifaller Architectes ; Tekhnê Architectes
2112 - Urban Arts Architecture
2113 - Urban Strategies
2114 - VG Architect Ventin Group
2115 - VIA Architecture
2116 - Vadim Siegel (ABCP Architecture) ; Alain Tousignant (Hudon Julien Associés)
2117 - Van Elslander ; Deni Papetti
2118 - Van Ginkel Associates
2119 - Vancouver Coastal Health Authority
2120 - Vantieghem Talebi
2121 - Vecsei & Panzini Architects
2122 - Velikov + Thn Building Studio
2123 - Vered Aviram-Gindi of the University of Toronto
2124 - Vermeulen/Hind Architects
2125 - Verne Reimer Architecture
2126 - Vertebral
2127 - Vianney Bélanger, architecte
2128 - Viau Bastien Gosselin architectes
2129 - Victor Prus
2130 - Victoria Truss 2007
2131 - Viljo Revell ; John B. Parkin Associates
2132 - Ville de Baie-Saint-Paul ; Atelier Pierre Thibault
2133 - Ville de Beaupré (Capitale-Nationale) - M. Pierre Renaud
2134 - Ville de Cap-Santé ; DG3a
2135 - Ville de Carignan ; EXP
2136 - Ville de Contrecœur ; BC2
2137 - Ville de Disraeli (Chaudière-Appalaches) - M. Jacques Lessard
2138 - Ville de Dolbeau-Mistassini (Saguenay—Lac-Saint-Jean) - M. Pascal Cloutier
2139 - Ville de Dollard-des-Ormeaux
2140 - Ville de Granby ; Favreau Blais Associés Architectes
2141 - Ville de Joliette ; Groupe Malo
2142 - Ville de Lévis ; ABCP architecture
2143 - Ville de Lévis ; LDA
2144 - Ville de Mont-Tremblant ; Art massif
2145 - Ville de Montmagny (Chaudière-Appalaches) - M. Rémy Langevin
2146 - Ville de Montréal
2147 - Ville de Montréal ; Les architectes FABG ; Atelier Zébulon Perron
2148 - Ville de Montréal, arrondissement Rivière-des-Prairies / Pointe-aux-Trembles ; Les architectes Labonté Marcil
2149 - Ville de Montréal, arrondissement de Rosemont–La Petite-Patrie - M. François William Croteau
2150 - Ville de Montréal, arrondissement d’Ahuntsic-Cartierville (Montréal) - Mme Émilie Thillier
2151 - Ville de Neuville
2152 - Ville de Neuville (Capitale-Nationale) - M. Simon Sheehy
2153 - Ville de Pointe-Claire ; ADHOC Architectes ; Prisme architecture
2154 - Ville de Pont-Rouge ; STGM architectes
2155 - Ville de Québec
2156 - Ville de Québec ; ABCP architecture
2157 - Ville de Québec ; Bisson associés ; Atelier Pierre Thibault
2158 - Ville de Québec ; BoOn Architecture ; Quinzhee architecture ; Atelier mock/up
2159 - Ville de Québec ; CCM2 architectes ; Fugère architecture ; Ébénisterie architecturale René Daigle
2160 - Ville de Québec ; Patriarche
2161 - Ville de Repentigny ; Les architectes FABG
2162 - Ville de Rimouski ; Les architectes Goulet et Lebel
2163 - Ville de Rosemère ; BLH Architectes
2164 - Ville de Rouyn-Noranda ; EVOQ Architecture ; ARTCAD
2165 - Ville de Saint-Gabriel-de-Valcartier ; BBC architectes
2166 - Ville de Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré ; Groupe A / Annexe U
2167 - Ville de Sainte-Anne-de-Sorel ; Faucher Gauthier architectes
2168 - Ville de Terrebonne (Lanaudière) - Mme Nathalie Ricard
2169 - Ville de Val-d’Or ; TRAME Architecture + Paysage
2170 - Ville de Boischatel ; ABCP architecture
2171 - Ville de Candiac ; Alain Richer Architecte
2172 - Ville de Sainte-Catherine-de-la-Jacques-Cartier ; ABCP architecture
2173 - Vincent Leclerc architecte
2174 - Vincent den Hartog, Architect
2175 - Vinvent Chuang ; Zihao Wei
2176 - Virginia Burt Designs
2177 - Vision in Form Architecture
2178 - Vivian Chin, University of Toronto
2179 - Vlan paysages
2180 - Vogel Architect
2181 - Voyager Art & Tile
2182 - W.T. Leung Architects
2183 - WAO ; Kieffer Structural Engineering
2184 - WHW Architects
2185 - WMW Public: Architecture + Communication
2186 - WSP
2187 - WSP Canada Inc.
2188 - WZMH Architects
2189 - WZMH Architects ; ERA Architects
2190 - WZMH Architects ; FBM Architecture & Interior Design
2191 - WZMH Architects ; Fowler Bauld & Mitchell
2192 - WZMH Architects 
2193 - Waisman Dewar Grout Carter Architects & Planners
2194 - Walkey/Olson, Britannia Design
2195 - Wallace Klypak Architects
2196 - Wallman Clewes Bergman Architects
2197 - Walter R. Moffat Architect
2198 - WalterFedy Architects Engineers
2199 - Ward99 Architects inc.
2200 - Ware Malcomb ; ERA Architects ; Solid Design Creative
2201 - Waymark Architecture
2202 - Wayne Bissky Architecture & Urban Design Inc.
2203 - Webb Zerafa Menkès
2204 - Weir‐Jones Group
2205 - Weiss Architecture & Urbanism Limited
2206 - Welerman, Guy, MacMahon, architectes
2207 - Werleman Guy McMahon, architectes
2208 - West 8 ; DTAH ; Arup ; James Urban, FASLA ; WSP
2209 - Wheeler Kearns Architects
2210 - WilkinsonEyre
2211 - William Bennett Architect
2212 - William Galloway, University of Manitoba
2213 - William Nycum & Associates
2214 - William Nycum & Associates Limited
2215 - William R. White Architect Limited
2216 - William Radford, University of Waterloo
2217 - Williamson Chong Architects
2218 - Williamson Williamson
2219 - Williamson Williamson Inc.
2220 - Wolff, Shapiro, Kuskowski, architectes
2221 - Wolsey Structural Engineering
2222 - Wood Research and Development
2223 - Wood Research and Development Canada
2224 - Woodford Architecture
2225 - Woodford Architecture Ltd.
2226 - Woodford Sheppard Architecture
2227 - Yallowega Bélanger Salach Architecture
2228 - Yamamoto Architecture
2229 - Yasuyuki Kitamura Architects
2230 - Yiacouvakis Hamelin architectes_ yh2
2231 - Yonder – Architektur und Design
2232 - Yongmin Ye ; Michelle Li ; Edward Minar Widjaja
2233 - Young + Wright Architects
2234 - Yupin Li
2235 - Yuxun Emmeily Zhang
2236 - Yvan Blouin Architecte
2237 - Yvonne Yeung, Ken Greenberg, Matti Siemiatycki for City of Brampton ; Urban Land Institute Toronto District Council
2238 - ZAS Architects+Interiors
2239 - ZGF Architects LLP
2240 - Zak Ghanim Architect
2241 - Zeidler Architecture
2242 - Zeidler Architecture ; Bregman + Hamann Architects
2243 - Zeidler Architecture ; Dunlop Farrow Aitken Architects Engineers
2244 - Zeidler Architecture ; Moore Architects ; M. Brestovisky Architects & Urban Design
2245 - Zeidler Architecture ; Snohetta ; Ferris + Associates Inc. ; Jacobs Engineering Group
2246 - Zeidler Architecture ; Snøhetta
2247 - Zeidler Architecture ; WilkinsonEyre
2248 - Zeidler Architecture ; William Kessler & Associates ; Giffels Associates
2249 - Zeidler Partnership Architects ; Snohetta
2250 - Zeidler Roberts Partnership Architects
2251 - Zimmerman Workshop Architecture ; Design and DKStudio Architects
2252 - Zinno Zappitelli Architectes
2253 - Zoel Razaq
2254 - _naturehumaine
2255 - a+LINK Architecture
2256 - agence RELIEF DESIGN ; Latéral
2257 - anonymous
2258 - aodbt architecture + interior design
2259 - aodbt architecture + interior design ; CannonDesign
2260 - aodbt architecture + interior design ; Crosby Hanna & Associates ; Daniels Wingerak Engineering Ltd. ; Key West Engineering ; PWA Engineering ; Robb Kullman Engineering
2261 - aodbt architecture + interior design ; JC Kenyon Engineering ; MacPherson Engineering ; PWA Engineering
2262 - architects-Alliance ; NAK Design Strategies ; Jablonsky Ast & Partners ; Johnson Chou
2263 - architects-Alliance ; NAK Design Strategies ; Jablonsky Ast & Partners ; Vong Phaophanit + Claire Oboussier ; David Trautimas ; Studio Munge ; Public Art Management
2264 - architects–Alliance
2265 - architects–Alliance ; Behnisch Architekten
2266 - architects–Alliance ; Busby + Associates Architects
2267 - architects–Alliance ; COBE Architects
2268 - architects–Alliance ; KPMB Architects ; Daoust Lestage ; MacLennan Jaunkalns Miller Architects
2269 - architects–Alliance ; MacLennan Jaunkalns Miller Architects
2270 - architecture écologique ; Latéral
2271 - bba
2272 - bbb Architects Ottawa
2273 - blackLAB architects
2274 - civiliti
2275 - civiliti ; LAND Italia ; Table Architecture ; Biodiversité conseil
2276 - civiliti ; julie margot design
2277 - civiliti ; julie margot design ; Vlan paysages and LN Paysage
2278 - collabor8 Architecture + Design Inc.
2279 - de Leon & Primmer Architecture Workshop
2280 - dk Architecture
2281 - dub architects ; Protostatix Engineering Consultants
2282 - exp. Architects
2283 - ft3 Architecture Landscape Interior Design
2284 - gbi
2285 - gh3*
2286 - gh3* ; CCxA Architectes paysagistes ; AECOM
2287 - gh3* ; Kasian Architecture
2288 - gh3* ; R.V. Anderson Associates
2289 - gh3* ; S2 Architecture
2290 - gh3* ; S2 Architecture ; RJC Engineers
2291 - groundcubed HEREBY
2292 - hcma
2293 - id ā Architecture
2294 - in situ atelier d’architecture
2295 - in situ atelier d’architecture ; Shapiro Wolfe
2296 - iwanski architecture ; Bei Engineering 2000 Inc
2297 - la SHED architecture
2298 - la Shed Architecture
2299 - mcfarlane biggar architects + designers
2300 - mcfarlane biggar architects + designers ; Design of North
2301 - mrm+a architects
2302 - nlm Architect ; Architectural Planning Architecture Interiors
2303 - office of mcfarlane biggar architects + designers
2304 - pico ARCHITECTURE inc.
2305 - pmgm architecture
2306 - russell and russell design studios
2307 - smoke architecture
2308 - space2place
2309 - space2place design inc.
2310 - spmb
2311 - spmb ; Brook Mcllroy Architects
2312 - studio g+G inc., architect
2313 - the marc boutin architectural collaborative inc.
2314 - thinc design ; Quinn Dressel Associates
2315 - uoai ; Blackwell Structural Engineers ; Perkins+Will ; PLANT Architects
2316 - uoai ; PMA Landscape Architects Ltd. ; DPM Energy
2317 - van der Zalm + Associates
2318 - Ædifica
2319 - Étienne Bernier Architecture ; APPAREIL Architecture ; BGLA
2320 - ékm architecture et aménagement
Nombre d'entités primées : 4458