Carte awe

ALL CATEGORIES - 709 (113)
Fitness clubs and spas - 0 (0)
Nautical facilities and swimming pools - 0 (0)
Recreation centers - 0 (0)
Sports facilities - 0 (0)
Stadiums, arenas, ice rinks and tennis courts - 0 (0)
Theme Parks - 0 (0)
Administration and office buildings - 0 (0)
Bank, insurance and financial centers - 0 (0)
Convention centers - 0 (0)
Factories and workshops - 0 (0)
Gas stations and energy distribution facilities - 0 (0)
Grocery stores and markets - 0 (0)
Restaurants, bars and nightclubs - 0 (0)
Retail and shopping centers - 0 (0)
Warehouses and storage facilities - 0 (0)
Aquariums, planetariums, zoos and science centers - 0 (0)
Auditoriums and cinemas - 0 (0)
Creative studios - 0 (0)
Cultural centers - 0 (0)
Historical and heritage conservation sites - 0 (0)
Museums, art galleries and interpretation centers - 0 (0)
Opera houses and concert halls - 0 (0)
Performing arts buildings and theaters - 0 (0)
Public libraries and archives - 0 (0)
Unbuilt concepts - 0 (0)
Visitor centers - 0 (0)
Colleges and higher education facilities - 0 (0)
Kindergartens, elementary and high schools - 0 (0)
Research centers and laboratories - 0 (0)
Specialized libraries, archives and documentation facilities - 0 (0)
University buildings and campuses - 0 (0)
Cemeteries and colombariums - 0 (0)
Commemorative monuments - 0 (0)
Crematoriums - 0 (0)
Crypts, tombs and mausoleums - 0 (0)
Funeral homes - 0 (0)
Bath houses - 0 (0)
Clinics and dispensaries - 0 (0)
Community centers - 0 (0)
Community healthcare centers - 0 (0)
General hospitals - 0 (0)
Laboratories, research centers and medical analysis centers - 0 (0)
Psychiatric hospitals - 0 (0)
Rehabilitation centers - 0 (0)
Retirement homes and long-term care - 0 (0)
Shelters, refuges and orphanages - 0 (0)
Veterinary clinics and animal shelters - 0 (0)
Youth hospitals - 0 (0)
Airports - 0 (0)
Bridges, overpasses and tunnels - 0 (0)
Energy production facilities - 0 (0)
Ports and harbours - 0 (0)
Public transit, bus, tramways and metros - 0 (0)
Roads and highways - 0 (0)
Train stations and railway structures - 0 (0)
Cultural interiors - 0 (0)
Educational interiors - 0 (0)
Healthcare interiors - 0 (0)
Hospitality interiors - 0 (0)
Office interiors - 0 (0)
Residential interiors - 0 (0)
Retail interiors - 0 (0)
Sports interiors - 0 (0)
City planning - 0 (0)
Farms and greenhouses - 0 (0)
Industrial parks - 0 (0)
Parks and gardens - 0 (0)
Pavilions, installations and temporary structures - 0 (0)
Protected areas - 0 (0)
Public spaces, streets and squares - 0 (0)
Rural planning - 0 (0)
Waterfront developments - 0 (0)
Embassies and consulates - 0 (0)
Governmental buildings and offices - 0 (0)
Military buildings - 0 (0)
Municipal buildings and town/city halls - 0 (0)
Police stations and fire departments - 0 (0)
Prisons and penitentiaries - 0 (0)
Tribunals and courthouses - 0 (0)
Chapels, praying rooms and meditation centers - 0 (0)
Churches, mosques, synagogues and temples - 0 (0)
Religious facilities - 0 (0)
Religious sites - 0 (0)
Collective housing and condominiums - 0 (0)
Hotels and hostels - 0 (0)
Houses, cottages and residential units - 0 (0)
Humanitarian shelters - 0 (0)
Mixed-use - 0 (0)
Social housing - 0 (0)
Student housing - 0 (0)
Consolidation des infrastructures sportives du Parc Ensoleillé – Construction d’une patinoire extérieure couverte (1)
2014 - Prix d’excellence Cecobois
Micro-Cabine – Méandre (1)
2024 - Premier Design Awards of Excellence
Danse en ligne, cours des habitations Unity 1et 2 (1)
2010 - Premier Design Awards of Excellence
Préau de Saint-Gabriel-de-Valcartier (1)
2023 - Prix d’excellence Cecobois
The Kuujjuaq Hackathon 2017: Reassembling the North (1)
2018 - National Urban Design Awards
Discovery Halts (Escales découvertes) (1)
2018 - Premier Design Awards of Excellence
Prud’Homme – Dulude Residence (1)
2010 - Governor General’s Medals in Architecture
Plan d’aménagement 1992 Vieux-Port de Montréal (1)
1994 - Governor General’s Medals in Architecture
Free / Open Source City: Production Space of the Accelerated Transaction (1)
2019 - Canadian Architect Awards of Excellence
Saint Matthew’s Parish Church of Puvirnituq (1)
2011 - Canadian Architect Awards of Excellence
Quebec City International Airport (1)
2002 - Canadian Architect Awards of Excellence
Electro-Acoustic Music Centre (1)
2000 - Canadian Architect Awards of Excellence
Micro-Brasserie Le Saint-Sulpice (1)
1997 - Canadian Architect Awards of Excellence
La Coopérative d’Habitation Ville-Marie (1)
1993 - Canadian Architect Awards of Excellence
Waverly Residence (1)
2020 - Best of Canada Awards
Lignes Aériennes , réaménagement d’un loft (1)
2009 - Prix d’Excellence en Architecture OAQ
Résidence de la Congrégation (1)
2011 - Prix d’Excellence en Architecture OAQ
La Station de pompage, Cité du Lac (1)
1994 - Prix d’Excellence en Architecture OAQ
Résidence sur l’avenue Westmount (1)
1994 - Prix d’Excellence en Architecture OAQ
La Résidence de Bullion, Montréal (1)
1993 - Prix d’Excellence en Architecture OAQ
Agrandissement de la Residence Désourdy (1)
1993 - Prix d’Excellence en Architecture OAQ
La Coopérative Sainte-Rosalie (1)
1994 - Prix d’Excellence en Architecture OAQ
La Résidence Saint-Ambroise (1)
1993 - Prix d’Excellence en Architecture OAQ
L’Édifice Champ-de-Mars, Banque Nationale du Canada (1)
1991 - Prix d’Excellence en Architecture OAQ
Passerelle de la rivière Saint-Charles (1)
2007 - Prix d’Excellence en Architecture OAQ
Annexe Ferrier, nouveau bâtiment pour les génératrices de l’Université McGill (2)
2019 - CISC Quebec Steel Design Awards of Excellence
2019 - Premier Design Awards of Excellence
La Résidence Jorge Martinez-Camps (1)
1982 - Prix d’Excellence en Architecture OAQ
Banca Commerciale Italiana of Canada (1)
1984 - Prix d’Excellence en Architecture OAQ
Résidence Saint-Hubert (1)
2011 - Prix Marcel-Parizeau
Résidence à Saint-Pie-de-Bagot (1)
1981 - Prix d’Excellence en Architecture OAQ
Chargé de mission avec Les algonquins à Kitcisakik (1)
2011 - Prix d’Excellence en Architecture OAQ
Chalet du Chemin Brochu (1)
2007 - Prix Marcel-Parizeau
Résidence Cantin Collin (1)
2005 - Prix Marcel-Parizeau
Réfection de la gare ferroviaire patrimoniale de Tring-Jonction (1)
2017 - Prix d’excellence Cecobois
Centre de transfert des matières résiduelles (1)
2014 - Prix d’excellence Cecobois
Logisport – Centre communautaire (1)
2014 - Prix d’excellence Cecobois
Consolidation des infrastructures sportives du Parc Ensoleillé – Construction d’une patinoire extérieure couverte ()
Reconstruction d’un pont au dessus de la rivière Mistassini (1)
2018 - CISC Quebec Steel Design Awards of Excellence
Agrandissment du Secteur Commercial et Salon Vip B52-B53-Aéroports de Montréal (ADM) (2)
2017 - CISC Quebec Steel Design Awards of Excellence
2017 - CISC Quebec Steel Design Awards of Excellence
La Résidence Gauthier/Germain (1)
1991 - Prix d’Excellence en Architecture OAQ
La Résidence familiale du 40 Surrey Gardens (1)
1990 - Prix d’Excellence en Architecture OAQ
Maison atelier du Moine urbain (1)
2011 - Prix d’Excellence en Architecture OAQ