© aodbt architecture + interior design
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© aodbt architecture + interior design
Chief Joseph Crowe Governance Centre2023 - Premier Design Awards of ExcellenceInterior Design
Award of Merit
Architecture d'administration publique et de sécurité
Édifices municipaux, mairies et hôtels de ville

© aodbt architecture + interior design
King Crescent Private Residence2023 - Premier Design Awards of ExcellenceArchitecture
Award of Merit
Architecture résidentielle
Maisons, chalets et unités résidentielles

© aodbt architecture + interior design
Deer Park Clubhouse2023 - Premier Design Awards of ExcellenceArchitecture
Honourable Mention
Architecture de sports et de loisirs
Centres récréatifs

© Lac La Ronge Indian Band ; aodbt architecture + interior design
Woodland Wellness Centre2023 - Premier Design Awards of ExcellenceInterior Design
Honourable Mention
Architecture hospitalière et de protection sociale
Cliniques, refuges et orphelinats

© King Rose Visuals + Matt Smith
Wanuskewin Heritage Park2022 - Prairie Wood Design AwardsInstitutional
Architecture culturelle
Centres culturels

© Wanuskewin Heritage Park
Wanuskewin2021 - Premier Design Awards of Excellence
Integrated Design
Premier's Award of Excellence in Design
Architecture culturelle
Centres culturels

© aodbt architecture + interior design
Sakāskohc High School2021 - Premier Design Awards of ExcellenceArchitecture
Honourable Mention
Architecture scolaire
Écoles maternelles, primaires et secondaires

© aodbt architecture + interior design ; JC Kenyon Engineering ; MacPherson Engineering ; PWA Engineering
No.1 River Landing2019 - Premier Design Awards of ExcellenceIntegrated Design
Honourable Mention
Architecture résidentielle
Logements, habitats collectifs et condominiums

© aodbt architecture + interior design
LutherCare Village2017 - Premier Design Awards of ExcellenceIntegrated Design
Award of Excellence
Architecture résidentielle
Hôtels et auberges

© aodbt architecture + interior design
Ronald McDonald House Family Room2017 - Premier Design Awards of ExcellenceInterior Design
Honourable Mention
Design d'intérieur
Intérieurs de services de santé

© aodbt architecture + interior design
Hyde Park View2017 - Premier Design Awards of ExcellenceInterior Design
Honourable Mention
Architecture résidentielle
Logements, habitats collectifs et condominiums

© aodbt architecture + interior design
Felesky Flynn LLP2017 - Premier Design Awards of ExcellenceInterior Design
Award of Excellence
Architecture commerciale fiscale et de bureaux
Édifices d'administration et bureaux

© aodbt architecture + interior design
Saskatoon Police Service Headquarters2016 - The Saskatchewan Masonry Design AwardsCommercial Large Footprint Masonry Design Award
Architecture d'administration publique et de sécurité
Postes de police et services d'incendies

© aodbt architecture + interior design
Western College of Veterinary Medecine2012 - The Saskatchewan Masonry Design AwardsRenovation and Addition
Award of Excellence
Architecture hospitalière et de protection sociale
Cliniques vétérinaires et refuges animaliers

© aodbt architecture + interior design ; CannonDesign
The Irene and Leslie Dube Centre for Mental Health2012 - The Saskatchewan Masonry Design AwardsInstitutional
Honourable Mention
Architecture hospitalière et de protection sociale
Hôpitaux psychiatriques

© aodbt architecture + interior design
Humboldt Collegiate, Carlton Trail Regional College, City of Humboldt Uniplex Addition2012 - The Saskatchewan Masonry Design AwardsEducational
Honourable Mention
Architecture de sports et de loisirs
Centres récréatifs

© aodbt architecture + interior design
Co-op Gas Bar and Car Wash2012 - The Saskatchewan Masonry Design AwardsCommercial - Small Footprint
Award of Excellence
Architecture commerciale fiscale et de bureaux
Stations-service et centres de distribution d'énergie

© aodbt architecture + interior design
Bethlehem Catholic High School2008 - The Saskatchewan Masonry Design AwardsPresidential Masonry Design Award
Architecture scolaire
Écoles maternelles, primaires et secondaires