© Alberta Masonry Council
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© Alberta Masonry Council
Revillon Boardwalk Building Interiors2024 - The Alberta Masonry Design AwardsAdhered Masonry Veneer - Commercial
Award of Excellence
Architecture commerciale fiscale et de bureaux
Édifices d'administration et bureaux

© Alberta Masonry Council
Arthur J.E. Child Comprehensive Cancer Centre2024 - The Alberta Masonry Design AwardsArtistic Use of Masonry
Award of Excellence
Architecture hospitalière et de protection sociale
Hôpitaux généraux

© Santiago Calatrava
Peace Bridge2013 - Alberta Steel Design Awards of ExcellenceEngineering
Infrastructure et ingénierie
Ponts, viaducs et tunnels

© Kasian Architecture and Interior Design
Edmonton Federal Building, Parkade, and Centennial Plaza2013 - Alberta Steel Design Awards of ExcellenceBuilding Communities
Architecture d'administration publique et de sécurité
Édifices et bureaux gouvernementaux

TELUS Spark, The New Science Centre2013 - Alberta Steel Design Awards of ExcellenceArchitectural
Architecture culturelle
Musées, galeries d'art et centres d'interprétation

© Santiago Calatrava
Peace Bridge2013 - Alberta Steel Design Awards of ExcellenceSteel Edge
Infrastructure et ingénierie
Ponts, viaducs et tunnels

© Kasian Architecture and Interior Design
Calgary Courts Centre2009 - Alberta Steel Design Awards of ExcellenceEngineering
Architecture d'administration publique et de sécurité
Tribunaux et Palais de Justice