Queen Richmond Centre West
© Jose Uribe
8 Prix
- 2017 - Ontario Association of Architects AwardsSweeny & Co. ArchitectsDesign ExcellenceAwardArchitecture commerciale fiscale et de bureauxÉdifices d'administration et bureaux
- 2017 - Ontario Association of Architects AwardsSweeny & Co. ArchitectsPeople's Choice AwardAwardArchitecture commerciale fiscale et de bureauxÉdifices d'administration et bureaux
- 2017 - Canadian Green Building Awards (CaGBC Awards)Sweeny & Co. ArchitectsCommercial/Industrial (Large)AwardArchitecture commerciale fiscale et de bureauxÉdifices d'administration et bureaux
- 2017 - Toronto Urban Design AwardsSweeny & Co. ArchitectsStephenson EngineeringNAK Design StrategiesPrivate Buildings in Context (Tall)Award of ExcellenceArchitecture commerciale fiscale et de bureauxÉdifices d'administration et bureaux
- 2016 - CISC National Steel Design Awards of ExcellenceSweeny & Co. ArchitectsEngineeringAwardArchitecture commerciale fiscale et de bureauxÉdifices d'administration et bureaux
- 2016 - National Urban Design AwardsSweeny & Co. ArchitectsUrban ArchitectureCertificate of MeritArchitecture commerciale fiscale et de bureauxÉdifices d'administration et bureaux
- 2016 - Ontario Concrete AwardsSweeny&Co ArchitectsStephenson EngineeringArchitectural MeritAwardArchitecture commerciale fiscale et de bureauxÉdifices d'administration et bureaux
- 2015 - Ontario Steel Design AwardsSweeny & Co. ArchitectsEngineeringAward of ExcellenceArchitecture commerciale fiscale et de bureauxÉdifices d'administration et bureaux