All Award Winning Entities Documented So Far

This page of the Historical Directory of Canadian Awards in Architecture and the Built Environment is a work in progress. This unique open access resource is linked to a research project that was originally funded in part by the Canada Research Chairs Program, the Canada Foundation for Innovation and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. This resource is now solely funded by the CRC-ACME and requires new financial support to be maintained on a regular basis.
Sponsors will be clearly mentioned on the platform and can contact the project leader at this link.

All Award Winning Entities Documented So Far

Please refer to the tabs for the different geographic tabs of the historical directory (e.g. national, international) to see the status of the documentation.
Award Winning Entity (# Awards) / [Other designations] (# Awards) / Designers / Year - Award / Organizer / Category / Distinction / Typology
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